I would propose that in any conflict involving human value and fears that
there are always MORE than 'two sides' to a story, and that it is our
cognitive propensity to think in terms of polarities or dualisms that
contributes to the difficulties thinking clearly and the mistakes we make.

The story of Iraq will turn out to be complex, not so much because of
conditions within Iraq, but conditions within the US.

There are at least a dozen books that have already appeared on Iraq and the
US, with many more to come. I have read most of them and given my own
involvement in the policy aspects of how we got into Iraq I can safely say
that no one book has all 'the answers'. Most of them do provide some key
pieces of the puzzle, but we do not yet, in terms of publicly released info,
have all the pieces. It is also likely that some of the key pieces will be
carried to their graves by people like Paul Wolfowitz, Doug Feith, Michael
Ledeen, Dick Cheney, Binyamin Netanyahu, Eliot Abrams, etc., as well as
bit-players like John Yoo.

More books are in the works, and at least some of them are likely to be very
helpful. Others will seek to cover-up the real motives of the different
people who worked to bring about the invasion. It will take genuine study to
sift through what actually happened, but at this point I think we can say
that what happened was genuinely disingenuous as to some, genuinely ignorant
as to others, and for some not genuinely motivated by committed to US

Stay tuned!


-----Original Message-----
From: thomas malloy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, March 09, 2008 5:10 AM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Re: Christensen "Innovator's Dilemma"

Jones Beene wrote:

>--- Jed Rothwell wrote:
>>The book "Fiasco: The American Military Adventure in
>Iraq" has been  widely recommended. I read a few
>chapters and it seems excellent but I still cannot
>bring myself to read it. 
>I am still thinking about the article of Jim Holt,
>which was posted by Jack Smith a few days ago:
It's been my experience that there are two sides to the story. In this 
case I would recommend The Looming Tower and America Alone as counter 
balances to what your post indicates that you believe.

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