        I have been struggling with a new "Casimir" blog started below that is 
similarly unwieldy. I agree with your assessment that nature has already tapped 
Casimir geometry in biological structures.
DRAFT below  -unfinished-

I haven't commented much of late on all the developments regarding over unity 
devices like the Rossi e-cat or competing device announced by former colleague 
Panatelli. Several new companies have been formed to bring these devices to 
market with a Greek 1 MW prototype plant scheduled to demonstrate the e-cat in 
October 2011. It is mainstream news in Italy and Greece but the US and European 
media are so far reluctant to report on these developments fearing the same 
sort of  controversial theories and endless delays that have plagued US rival 
Black Light Power for over a decade. I am cautiously optimistic that the 
procedure to repeatedly produce large energies from Ni-H has finally been 
corralled after decades of difficulty in reproducing the effect reliably or in 
exploitable volume.
I belong to a growing minority of enthusiasts that believe the underlying 
initializing energy source of these different devices is based on zero point 
energy. We don't deny claims that low energy nuclear reactions and resulting 
transmutations are occurring but our argument is that these reactions would 
never evolve between Ni and hydrogen if the Ni powder grains or the leached 
cavities of skeletal catalysts did not happen to form Casimir geometries. In 
fact it suggests a strong link between catalytic action and Casimir effect. 
Casimir cavities inside a metal lattice or formed between grains of  Ni powder 
suppress vacuum energy wavelengths. A proposal from professor Jan Naudts to 
Randell Mills in 2005 suggesting Black Light Power's  "hydrino" is actually 
"relativistic" hydrogen convinced me that our present interpretation of Casimir 
effect is wrong! The longer vacuum energy wavelengths are not displaced in 
favor of shorter wavelengths that can fit between the boundaries [plates] 
-Instead the same longer wavelengths bend space time between the plates such 
that a tiny observer between the plates would still see the same wavelengths 
unchanged but the plates would appear to shrink away from his perspective 
making room for the wavelengths while from our perspective outside the plates 
it appears the wavelengths inside are growing shorter. This is the reason 
Naudts was able to suggest the hydrino is relativistic hydrogen - not because 
the hydrogen has a spatial velocity approaching C but because of an 
"equivalent" acceleration, or to be more accurate an "equivalent negative 
acceleration". Unlike gravitational gradients  which increase slowly at the 
square of  the distance between a small object and a large mass the 
differential caused by Casimir geometry is inverted and very abrupt having 
little or no gradient.  From the "hydrino" perspective inside a cavity it is 
just a normal hydrogen atom at the top of a deep gravity well extending down to 
the inside surfaces of the Casimir plates. This means the observer outside the 
cavity is equivalent to the spatially accelerated Paradox twin [remembering the 
equivalence principle for gravity and acceleration] while the hydrino atom 
inside the cavity is equivalent to the earth bound twin who sees time slowing 
to a crawl for his accelerated twin while he continues to age at what he 
perceives as the "normal" rate inside the cavity. Inversely we outside the 
cavity perceive the hydrino as aging rapidly having far more reactions per 
"our" unit of time than would seem possible except perhaps through a remarkable 
level of catalytic action. Note it is actually the change in Casimir geometry 
that I posit causes catalytic action. Recent studies at Cornell university 
discovered that catalytic action only occurs at opening and defects in the 
uniform dimensions of a nanotube. This suggests that perfectly parallel Casimir 
plates would have little catalytic action except at the edges and the best 
skeletal catalysts would be those having rapidly changing Casimir geometries.
In discussing the above with a friend the topic of how Lorentzian contraction 
would be modified for equivalent acceleration ensued. We are still manipulating 
the Pythagorean relationship between the time axis and the spatial axis as seen 
in the gamma formula but instead of modifying velocity on the space axis we are 
modifying the time axis when we force these wavelengths to fit between Casimir 
plates. The ratio of V^2/C^2 is changed through time dilation instead of 
velocity so the "contraction"  is symmetrical away from the spatial plane onto 
the time axis which is to say an object would appear to shrink equally in all 
spatial dimensions instead of only along the vector approaching C as in normal 
Lorentzian contraction. Of course all this remains hidden for now insulated 
inside the cavity at the nano scale but the ability  of  these modified 
wavelengths To interact with gas atoms and create these so called hydrinos or 
fractional hydrogen hints at even more than just free energy.  My point is that 
Casimir geometry in Nickel is creating changes in energy density that appear to 
interact with hydrogen in an ash less manner to produce heat - therefore the 
reverse must be possible to move these nickel grains and hydrogen atoms 
spatially relative to the ether to produce thrust without reaction mass. Such a 
drive system would seek to exploit   the hypothetical "frictional coefficient"  
between gas molecules and changes in energy density we believe responsible for 
the long standing claims of excess heat and current efforts to commercialize 
said heat. Such an engine may even have the implicit ability to slow or 
accelerate time and pull a ship along with it. Recent news of creating "real" 
photons from virtual particle pairs by moving a conductor back at forth at near 
luminal speeds [actually using squids to rapidly move the area biased 
conductive] begs the question if  the time dilation we perceive from outside a 
Casimir cavity can be exploited to produce real photons from these 
"equivalently" accelerated gas ions inside the cavity.


From: Jones Beene []
Sent: Friday, August 05, 2011 12:59 PM
Subject: EXTERNAL: [Vo]:Three Converging Avenues to Zero Point via Nano-geometry

Several interesting and provocative News items can be found in Mitchell's 

The first relates Robert Foot's "mirror matter" in the context of "dark 
energy/dark matter" which is one of Horace's pet themes. From that point on - 
the connection of this hidden kind of mass-energy to ZPE is merely one of 
adjusting the semantics.

The second item relates to biological evidence of "magic size" which of course 
in the Casimir range:

Bio-antennas. Quote: "In related work, Greg Scholes led a team based in Toronto 
and Sydney that investigated antenna proteins. These proteins absorb light and 
transmit the resultant excitation energy between molecules to a reaction centre 
where photosynthesis takes place. The team showed compelling evidence that the 
5nm wide proteins share their electronic excitation in a quantum-coherent 
manner. The proteins exhibit this 'coherent wiring' even under biologically 
relevant conditions, suggesting that distant molecules within the 
photosynthetic proteins are 'wired' together for more efficient 

Now for a formative explanation. The immediate response to the general idea is 
that anomalous energy can appear using "only geometry", is that Nature will 
have been using it for millions (billions) of years. The field of "biological 
nano-geometry", particularly as it relates to light emission (chromophores) has 
been well known for decades, but ignored by physics for the most part. I've 
mentioned the main guy in nano biology to you before - the German scientist 
Theodor Förster. The mechanism is called FRET "Förster resonance energy 
transfer" and the critical dimensions of 2-10 nm care called the Förster 
radius. It is no coincidence that this overlaps the Casimir geometry and that 
there is (subdued) evidence of gain.

Nanoparticles offer a very high potential to store energy in the form of 
Surface Tension. This has been called Surface Tension Energy (STE) or enhance 
vibrational modes. There is a decent chance that this form of energy can be 
recouped (i.e. renormalized, regauged etc) via the zero point field. This third 
paper of interest does not go that far, but it does introduce the basics of 
STE: "Characterization and Release of Surface Energy in Nanoparticles"  
Aktsipetrova et al.  Brookhaven Technology Group and Moscow State University.

Since a lot of this FRET background is already in the Vortex archives, let me 
move on to the main point of this post. Is there a potential technique that 
experimenters can use, based on FRET, to look for resonant materials which 
could be active for ZPE coherence?

The answer seems to be yes, and the hint is "indigo" as in "infinite indigo" 
(light input in the range of 440 nm); but the details will be addressed in 
another posting, as this one is getting unwieldy.


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