Hey Jed,

you write:
>I am surprised they managed to sneak this into the archive. I predicted 
>will soon be yanked out.

It certainly will if you post the cached URL. Here's the link
with some staying power.


With 25 documents already filed, Widom will not be so easy to bump. I
do smell a good story for Steve K. in this though *grin*


-----Original Message-----
From: Jed Rothwell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, May 04, 2005 5:53 PM
To: vortex-L@eskimo.com
Subject: Windom & Larsen paper

David Nagel thinks this paper may be germane to CF, for obvious reasons:


Ultra Low Momentum Neutron Catalyzed Nuclear Reactions on Metallic Hydride 

A. Widom, L. Larsen
Lattice Energy LLC, 175 North Harbor Drive, Chicago IL 60601

ABSTRACT Ultra low momentum neutron catalyzed nuclear reactions in metallic 
hydride system surfaces are discussed. Weak interaction catalysis initially 
occurs when neutrons (along with neutrinos) are produced from the protons 
which capture "heavy" electrons. Surface electron masses are shifted 
upwards by localized condensed matter electromagnetic fields. Condensed 
matter quantum  electrodynamic processes may also shift the densities of 
final states allowing an appreciable production of extremely low momentum 
neutrons which are thereby eciently absorbed by nearby nuclei. No Coulomb 
barriers exist for the weak interaction neutron production or other 
resulting catalytic processes.

I am surprised they managed to sneak this into the archive. I predicted 
will soon be yanked out.

- Jed

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