"15.5 The Railgun By Konstantin Meyl, Scalar Waves Pg. 315 to Pg. 329,2003, Indel

The engineers and physicists involved in the SDI-project were quite astonished, as they had a close look at the bent rails of their gun. During the test operation the equipment was really flying around their heads.

They were very sure to only have fed in 16.7 MJ of energy, from the rotation of a homopolar generator, because more was not available for the experiment by any means. ...There is talk about a released energy having around 399 GJ what corresponds to an overunity effect of 24000. ... In the pictures a bright lightning can be seen at the moment of launching (fig 15.5 A).  Here presumably is being materialized, in which the part of anti-matter annihilates with the particles of matter under emission of light.  There thus takes place the same process as in the case of lightning or the shinning of the sun.

In addition is being reported that heat energy is withdrawn from the environment, a circumstance, which is typical for all functioning converters for space energy. ...

Like for lightning also the railgun is stimulated with a very high excitation voltage and with extreme speeds of change of the tension voltage (high du/dt) (fig. 15.5C). From the setup it concerns a bridge of Ampere, which in various respects appears to be superior to the rocket engines, after the costly transport of the propellant into space isn't necessary since the capacitor batteries can be recharged by solar power.

15.6 Unipolar induction

The projectile, for from the function let us rather speak of the short-circuit bar or the slider, at first is entirely conventionally accelerated and experiences, mathematically expressed, as dv/dt.  The magnetic field B stretching perpendicular to the movement is constant, so that according to the Faraday relation E=v X B from the velocity v an electric field strength E results and from the acceleration dv/dt a field change dE/dt.
These open field lines along the length of the slider, in particular the oscillating part, appears to interact with oscillating particles and to collect these particles.  It concerns presumably neutrinos, which primarily materialize in charge carriers. These contribute to the current flux in the slider and to the acceleration, whereupon still more neutrinos are collected.
A hardly controllable avalanche effect is formed. Only if the change in tension voltage has worn off and the capacitor is completely discharged, also the resonant interaction will again collapse.

The inventors who want to construct a civil version of the railgun, is given a warning on the way which should be taken seriously.  At first it doesn't take particularly much imagination to imagine a rotating arrangement of the gun, a construction with one axis, with which a generator driven, which produces power.  A small part is supplied the system again as supply for itself.  The rest would be available free to the consumers as nonpolluting regenerative energy.
That really sounds good, if there wouldn't be this one obstacle.

15.7 Tendency to instability

In a continuously working machine the discharging of the capacitor cannot remain as single event as in the case of the gun. The discharging and the recharging has to take place cyclic depending on the revolutions per minute. To obtain a rotating movement even to a certain extent ignition has to follow ignition. But if the ignition takes place, although the avalanche effect of the last one still hasn't worn off, then inevitable a catastrophe will occur, then the work of wonder is taken apart under the eyes of its creator.

Numerous inventors already have had to collect such painful experiences. It is assumed that not even Nikola Tesla  had escaped, as he had to put away again his stately luxury car with electric motor and energy converter in a barn near Buffalo already after one week of test operation in the year 1931.

Of course also for this problem solutions in accordance with engineering are offered. Meaningful would be a restriction of the revolutions per minute and a power regulation. Only most inventors don't think that far. On the one hand, because they handicraft without a useful physical model and on the other hand they think they already have reached the goal, if they observe something like free energy for the first time. Just as fast as the joy then the disillusionment comes, because a converter which doesn't work, is not able to convince anyone.

.... As the example of the railgun space energy technologies and inventors can study the relations and the way of functioning very concretely and even calculate these relatively simple.  It is a big relief, that all three vectors stand perpendicular to each other: The E field, the B-field and the velocity v.  Ideal conditions both with regard to a maximizing of the wanted accelerating force and for the resonant interaction, increase at the same time the collecting of space quanta, which probably may be set equal to the neutrinos.  This is made possible by the Faraday's law of unipolar induction.  In that way at the right and left end of the slider a positive a negative pole each are formed.  The further the two poles are away of each other, the more the field lines are opened and the more neutrinos can go into resonance.  In this place still considerable improvements and optimizations are possible.

In addition to the two discussed the phenomena of the electrostriction is added as a third phenomena, which authoritatively contributes to the conversion of neutrinos into electrons.  It is a field dependent change of length, which in the case of lightning takes care of the thunder and in both cases, therefore also here, is active as a charge carrier producer.

15.11 The key to free energy

As a contribution to the discussion the individual principles of functioning of space energy again are collected and the attempt is undertoo to value them.

In the case of an oscillating dipole configuration, for instance the railgun, open field lines are present only along the mutual line of connection. (fig 15.8 A).  With that not particularly many space quant can be reached.  It hense has to be operated with gigantic excitation powers in the range of many thousands of Ampere, so that further field lines fling open and interact.  The wanted over-unity effect can only be reached at an enormous expense of technical apparatus.

An unipolar arrangement here is considered more advantageous, where hold the more unipolar, the fewer excitation power is required. But in that way it can take longer until the collecting of neutrinos like an avalanche again has worn off.  In the case of the an ideal spherical arrangement (fig 15.8 B), as the ball-lightening takes, the process can even last for minutes. This explains why unipolar systems can be kept under control only very hard.  If the neutrino avalanche is rolling then it purely theoretically can only be stopped with a still larger excitation power, for instance by phase shifting, what can hardly be realized in practice. ..... A synchronous operation between the neutrino oscillation and the converter can, apart from the technologically hardly realizable high frequency, by no means really be recommended.  As a rule one single steep flank of the change of the excitation voltage is sufficient to start the avalanche.  By means of the repetition frequency or by means of the duty cycle of the excitation voltage then resonance's to the neutrino field can be made or avoided.   On the other hand cant be done without the avalanche effect. The utilizable power of the neutrino converter otherwise would be much too small.  This case should be pursued further in the design of a longitudinal wave gauge.

All converter systems at first work based on a well-known and tried and tested physical principle of functioning.  In  the case of the railgun it is the bridge of Ampere.   The thus used force effect on a conductor through which flows current is advantageous due to the obtainable  order of magnitude and as a basic concept extremely recommendable.  But also coulomb forces or other physical principles can be used.

Despite that a further relation still must be added, which produces the interaction with the neutrinos. Closely associated with the unipolar arrangement it is the unipolar induction which in virtually all space energy concepts is put to use.  It already could be shown that the railgun uses the effect as well as John Searl in the case of his flying disc.  The Faraday law of induction turns out to be the key to free energy. "

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