Some design problems have no solution. Some have solutions requiring small or severe compromise. Some have beautiful simplistic solutions. Spending countless hours daily in the design and development of a reactor unit that holds hope for pretreating seawater for reverse osmosis (RO), I often step outside the box and look  inside through imaginary windows to see if the components have a hope of fitting and examine my premise.
The VortexL group affords me quality stimuli. In turn, I am likewise obligated to the group .... goes..
CF may only be the " wake" left of something during passing, or passed by. By wake, I mean evidence and reaction.
By reaction, I mean an attempt by nature to cover or recover.
When mother nature is unveiled, she attempts to cover her nakedness. We see this action take place when a field is plowed.
Weeds attempt to cover the naked soil. This may be a clue. An attempt to cover or recover regardless of the worth of the covering( weeds).
A hasty improvision if you will.
As an old poker playing friend once observed.. this ain't no game for a blind man !!
Surely the Vortex group is no place for the timid  < grin>


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