On the Photo-activity of Chlorine, part II.

The Supra-chemical reaction, and its tragic history.

Reactions involving bound electrons are by definition chemical. This is not to say that they "must" be of low energy. Combustion, which is a chemical reaction, is typically low energy - i.e. the mass-energy is in the range of a few eV because only the valence shell electrons are being affected.
Some of the newer high explosives manage to get more bang by using inner shell electrons, with a potential to achieve a small multiple of the normal chemical reaction. A high explosive called Astrolyte, the name reflecting one of its components being rocket fuel (hydrazine)can reputedly get a significant added boost by the addition of aluminum dust. Because of the much higher density of aluminum, this addition would be of absolutely no value (in "bang-for-the-pound") unless the inner orbitals of the atom were being affected, somehow.
A lot of secrecy surrounds high explosives, for obvious reasons. Some of the secrecy surrounding the highest energy chemical reactions seems to be more paranoid than that which is surrounding nuclear weapons, which is a curious twist. Even more curious is to follow some of the forums which focus on these things - whew... scary. The so-called explosive experts sound more like teenage jocks with the "mine is bigger than yours" blustering, but fortunately many show little real acumen in the related physics issues. Nevertheless I wouldn't want to get on their bad-side. Testosterone is more explosive and more deadly than any silly bomb ingredient.
The so-called "Auger cascade" of high energy electrons results when a gamma ray knocks out a k-shell electron. Surprisingly, it is not necessary to use gammas to get to the k-shell,  as coherent non-ionizing light can also do it under some circumstances, even though the wavelength is supposedly 10,000 times too long.
When the innermost, or k-shell, of an atom is altered, the energy potential for explosiveness can be much greater - in the 10 keV to over 100 keV range - which is  nearly 100,000 times greater than what one gets from combustion per atom, or 25,000 times the best explosive - but still not OU for a variety of reasons, some semantic. Plus the time scale is greatly extended so explosiveness is minimized. Auger cascades require intense external input, and your average unabomber can't afford to throw away a good gamma source with every pop.  
The most controversial and (once thought to be) bogus class of high explosives is the so-called ballotechnic variety, which are claimed to depend on massive interaction of inner electrons. The available technical material about these explosives is likely to be nonsense or at least anecdotal and highly suspect, and certainly many scams have been perpetrated, esp. of the spy-vs-spy variety. Many on this forum know of Cohen's claims and the official rebuttals.
But the officials seldom claim that this class of materials is non-existent - just the one notorious scam item, and it is usually claimed that these explosives depend upon materials which have been exposed for extended periods to gamma irradiation within a nuclear reactor in order to work, so will never be easy to come by or safe to handle.
What does this imply?
You probably knew I would be getting back to electronium (*e-) didn't you?
Yes, I think that if there is any chance of these ballotechnics being actual materials, as opposed to science fiction, then the existence of the putative triad heavy electron (*e-) provides the best (really the only) explanation of the underlying methodology. The explosive materials (heavy metals) themselves would be, in effect (*e-) concentrators and the effect of irradiation would be to raise the  (*e-) to a metastable state, where thereafter a lower energy photon would be able to force very energetic decays. There are some reasons why the most often mentioned elements in these devises would be (*e-) concentrators, especially in the case of mercury, but my purpose here is to focus on the premiere  (*e-) concentrator - which is chlorine.
Normally as mentioned, thousands or even millions of eV separate atomic energy levels from chemical. But for heavy atoms, the innermost (K-shell) electrons can have binding energies of one tenth a normal nuclear transition energy, which is about one MeV. IOW, the typical K-shell would be 100,000 eV and the nuclear gamma closer to one MeV.
When a group of physicists in Japan observed what they called excitation by electronic transition (NEET), I believe that they were mistaken as to the identity of the source. That group used a synchrotron source to knock K-shell electrons out of gold atoms. Usually an outer electron will fill the K-shell vacancy, giving up energy in the form of x rays around 50-100 keV and throwing Auger electrons from the atom during the process.
The researchers, however, observed that the energy occasionally "excited the nucleus" instead of creating Auger electrons and x rays. They used this term because of the higher energy seen. What I believe they observed was not an excited nucleus at all but an electronium decay. When electronium decays you will get
 (*e-) --> Ps + e- --> e- + 1MeV gamma
the MeV gammas and pair production which result will of course be mistaken for nuclear reactions by those who don't buy into this new concept, which is the entire physics establishment at the moment (but they have been wrong many times before).
At any rate, it is feasible to this observer, using the hypothetical (*e-) concept, to imagine why, some 60 years ago, the first nuclear trigger, the DCl (deuterium chloride) trigger, was able to
1) convert chemical energy into a D stripping reaction
2) misfire unpredictably
3) still be kept under wraps, because we have alternative triggers         which are more reliable anyway, and the only use for the cheaper
    DCl would be by rogue nations
...with the unavoidable side effect of
4) all the research about why DCl was able to produce neutrons from just a chemical reaction was squashed 60 years ago with the secrecy order, and we have consequently missed the easiest of all, and most robust of all LENR reactions - and what could have been the foundation for expanding the technology into an acceptable source of energy for our future use, now that oil is no longer plentiful.
Oh. One might ask why the particular chlorine used by Dr. Kistiakowsky, Head of the Explosives Division of the Manhattan Project and inventor the A-bomb trigger, was so active in releasing neutrons that he immediately saw its potential 60 years ago, but probably didn't have a clue at that time why it worked.
To understand this, one must take a look at uranium enrichment process in use then at Oak Ridge, where Dr. K did a stint, and particularly the prevalent use of U-tetrachloride as the starting salt of many early manufacturing processes. When the chlorine from this process is later reused, which it would have been in those days, it has been in intimate contact with decay radiation of just about the correct energy level for extended periods - and certainly the (*e-) in the k-shells of the chlorine will thereafter have been not only enriched because of its higher electron affinity than U, but also pumped up into metastable states.
When this chlorine is combined with any deuterated explosive, it is my contention that free neutrons will result from what appears to be a chemical reaction. IOW chlorine is not only the best element for capturing (*e-) but it is also a good medium for allowing metastable pumping of the (*e-) so that it will release MeV gammas on decay. These gammas will easily knock off neutrons from deuterium - the result being the "almost" perfect trigger, on paper... unless you happened to be one of the hundreds of Afro-American stevedores blown into oblivion one hot July day in 1944 at Port Chicago, near the San Francisco Bay.
I believe that this curious (outrageous to some) speculation may go way beyond a special trigger which tragically miss-fired, and caused valuable technology to be later enshrouded into the innermost sanctum of top secrecy . If you want to pursue some anecdotal curiosities, check the observer reports of the early A-bomb tests and particularly the predominant *color* or the initial mushroom cloud - which color is not seen in tests from the mid-50s onward. 
Why was that greenish yellow color only there at the first?
Well, to take  (*e-) speculation to the maximum extent, I would suggest that a doubly enriched chlorine atom has more energy per pound than U-235!
And basically, we are talking chemical energy, by definition...

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