¿Que?  or is that: <<inverted interrobang>> Que <<interrobang>>

¡That's right!  it's the Whoopee battery... 

Sorry, plain texters - this message is meaningless without HTML... or should I say, "meaningless with or without HTML" ?

¡No!  the Whoopee-battery is not related to that duller-than-dull comedienne... nor to daddy Warbucks, you know...

Definition:  a wealthy older, esp. retired, person
Etymology:  w(ell)-o(ff) o(lder) p(erson) + -ie (as in yuppie)

Its kinda related to the "cushion"
...or at least the need for ample back-side "pressure" in order to operate the aforementioned microchannel water battery... Infinitely rechargeable... unless you are of a certain girth and end-up shorting it out.
So... you get on the airplane with your laptop, and you place the Whoopee battery on the seat, and then you surf-away till the charge runs down... at which time, you get up and stretch the legs, and on your return you flip the Whoopee battery over and continue...
OK. You are still wondering- just what is the aforementioned "Interrobang"
¿¡ Arriba !?
First another info-item for the Latino-challenged: the inverted exclamation - ¡ - and/or question mark ¿ is/are framing-punctuation marks used in many languages, such as Spanish. The ¿¡ interrobang !? is the combination or the two.
Exclamations are used to frame "excitable statements," and with the inverted exclamation at the beginning ¡, then - doh - you the reader know what is coming before you finish the sentence.  Same for the question. Now... ¿ what if you are south of the border and want to present evidence of both emotions...?

...as in, when you daughter is caught sneaking in at 4 am...

"¿¡ You did WHAT?!"

The INTERROBANG is a combined exclamation mark and question mark. I probably cannot show you one accurately in this post, exactly as it was intended to be displayed, as this punctuation mark is not yet standard in cyberspace, and probably never will be.

It was invented in by a New York advertising agency geek (and a gringo, oddly enough). He felt that advertising people needed a mark that combined a question with a shout... which mixture which any parent produces at stressful moments... and parents are the numero-uno targets of advertisers, as every gringo-or-not ad-exec is keenly aware. 

The idea was also to provide a marker for rhetorical questions - much favored by copywriters, like "GOT MILK ?!"

...but, alas, it never caught on. However, it is not dead yet: its name appears in a couple of American dictionaries, it is in one Windows symbol font I know of, and on my micro$$oft ...ergo-keyboard, even, which will occasionally crash XP... even if it is also in the Unicode character set, maybe, that is (I will have to see if this gets past the spell-checker).


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