No O Globo de hoje reportagem conta que a convite do TSE delegacoes
de diversos paises, em especial da America Latina estiveram acompanhando
no Parana a nossa votacao para possivel compra do sistema.
Quem vende?
O TSE? Ou eh um negocio "particular", estilo bico?

Falava tambem que a visita tb teve representante do IFES,
International Foundation for Election Systems.

Achei o site deles (que esta meio devagar) mas tem uma lista
de links que pode ser usada para divulgar as preocupacoes com
as falhas da urna atual.
Pode ate servir de propaganda se o paiseco estiver querendo
um sistema com controle sobre os resultados, mas nao custa
tentar, pois tem de haver pessoas serias por ai.

Benjamin Azevedo
Title: IFES Links Page


What's New | Elections Today | ElectionGuide.Org | Home | Project Activities | Info Resources | Links

This page contains links to election commissions, democracy and election-related organizations, and other points of interest. Links will be continually updated.

IFES is a partner in the Administration and Cost of Elections (ACE) Project.   The other two partners are:

IFES is a member of the Consortium for Elections and Political Process Strengthening (CEPPS). The other two members are:

Other IFES websites:

National election commissions and other election management bodies:




















Organizations involved in promoting democracy, voting, and democratic elections and other sources for information on election systems, election calendars and results, and constitutions:




  • CAPEL/IIDH - The Inter-American Integrated Information System is being set up to provide access to a wide variety of election-related information from the Americas, including an electoral dictionary, description of electoral systems in the Americas, election-related primary documents, and electoral statistics.
  • Carter Center - The Carter Center, in partnership with Emory University, is guided by a fundamental committment to human rights and the alleviation of human suffering; it seeks to prevent and resolve conflicts, enhance freedom and democracy, and improve health.
  • Center for Civic Education - A nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to fostering responsible participation in civic life.   Primarily US focused but with a growing international program.
  • Center for Party Development - The principal subjects of research, training, and popularization by the Center for Party Development are political party systems in the United States, around the world, and transnationally.
  • Center for Responsive Politics - The Center for Responsive Politics is a non-profit, non-partisan organization that specializes in the study of Congress and particularly the role that money plays in its elections and actions. The Center’s programs are supported by grants from major foundations.
  • Center for Voting and Democracy - Studies the impact of voting systems on political representation, proportional representation, voter turnout and the influence of money in elections. (United States)
  • Citizens' Research Foundation - Information and issues related to political finance. (United States)
  • CEAS/DA (Comparative Election Administration Study Data Archive) - sponsored by the Department of Political Science at Goteburg University
  • CIVNET - Published by CIVITAS as an international resource for civic education and civil society.
  • Commission on Presidential Debates - This site is a comprehensive archive of information on U.S. presidential debates since 1960 and resources for additional research.


  • Democracy Place USA -  sponsored by the Pew Charitable Trust - Promotes civic journalism and citizen participation in public policy. (United States)
  • Desafio98 - A weekly report on the Venezuelan Presidential Elections of 1998.  Also includes a "virtual ballot" and articles on the use of the Internet in promoting democracy.


  • ELECNet Elections Resource Page - Links to U.S. state, national and some international election bodies and non-profit organizations. (International, but primarily United States)
  • Elecciones 98 -  Detailed information on the December, 1998 elections in Venezuela presented by the newspaper El Universal. (Venezuela)
  • Election Resources on the Internet - Provides links to election results in many countries.
  • Elections in Germany - In cooperation with the Forschungsgruppe Wahlen, Mannheim, the American Institute for Contemporary German Studies (The Johns Hopkins University) provides in-depth analysis of German election results.
  • Elections in Malta, The Single Transferable Vote System in Action, 1921 - 1996 - This site is devoted exclusively to information on Maltese elections and to the electoral system which is used in Malta, namely, the single transferable vote (STV). It contains data, descriptions and analyses as well as links to other relevant sites.
  • Electoral Institute of South Africa (EISA) - seeks to promote electoral policies and practices that will produce free and fair elections, and secondly the development of programmes which encourage a civic environment conducive to democratic elections.
  • Electoral Studies - An International Journal - Official website of the Elsevier Journal.
  • Electoral Web Sites (Elections Around the World) - Wilfried Derksen's site containing information on elections, parties, and parliaments.
  • Electronic Voting Hot List (Lorrie Cranor) - Contains a list of links to Internet sites with electronic-voting related information. It is intended as a resource list for those doing research on electronic voting and those interested in implementing electronic voting systems.


  • Federal Voting Assistance Program - The FVAP provides U.S. citizens worldwide a broad range of non-partisan information and assistance to facilitate their participation in the democratic process - regardless of where they work or live.



  • International Constitutional Law - Provides constitutional documents and country information plus links to European constitutional courts. (International)
  • International Institute for Democracy - The Institute's main role is to encourage co-operation on a world-wide scale between governmental, non-governmental and interparliamentary organisations, as well as between national parliaments, with a view to promoting and strengthening pluralistic democracy.
  • The Inter-American Integrated Information System - The CAPEL/IIDH is being set up to provide access to a wide variety of election-related information from the Americas, including an electoral dictionary, description of electoral systems in the Americas, election-related primary documents, and electoral statistics.
  • Inter-Parliamentary Union - The IPU is the world organization of parliaments of sovereign States.  The Union is the focal point for world-wide parliamentary dialogue and works for peace and co-operation among peoples and for the firm establishment of representative democracy.
    Initiative and Referendum Institute - The Initiative & Referendum Institute is a non-profit, non-partisan, educational and research organization that analyzes and promotes discussion of the initiative and referendum process.
  • Institute for Election Systems Development (IESD)- A Russian NGO established to promote research on and greater understanding of election systems.  Information in Russian, English will be offered.


  • Klipsan Press - Provides election results and a list of publications (International)



  • MMP Electoral System - Information about the Mixed Member Proportional election system used in New Zealand.




  • Panama - Misión de Observación Electoral de la Fundación Internacional para Sistemas Electorales (1999)
  • Panorama - Comprehensive site on politics, elections and public opinion in Russia.  Many links to other sites.
  • Parlamento Latinoamericano - The Latin American Parliament is made up of 22 member Parliaments
  • Parliamentary General Election - 1994 - Results of the 1994 Parliamentary elections in Sri Lanka as well as a map of polling divisions and results from 1960. (Sri Lanka)
  • Peru Election 2000 - Provides the public, academics, researchers, and members of the international policy community with the most current and comprehensive information on the developments that will affect Peru's general elections in 2000.
  • Political Database of the Americas sponsored by the Georgetown University Center for Latin American Studies/The Organization of American States - Provides information about voter registration and election administration, election calendars and results, electoral systems, laws, and constitutions. (Americas)
  • Political Science Resources - Lists of links to other websites containing national constitutions, elections and election systems, and party/candidate information. (International)
  • Politics1 - Extensive coverage of  US elections, candidates, political parties, and issues.
  • Poynter Online - An educational and research institution dedicated to promoting excellence and integrity in journalism and to highlighting the value of independent journalism that informs citizens and enlightens public discourse.
  • Proportional Representation Society of Australia - Society website and information about proportional representation; links to other PR sites. (Australia)


  • Rock the Vote - Education and information stressing voter participation among younger voters. (United States)
  • Russia Votes - Public opinion and russian election system.



  • Transparencia - NGO which maintains former IFES resource center in Lima, Peru.



  • Vote Smart Web sponsored by Project Vote Smart - Provides information on candidates and election officials. (United States)


© 1999, International Foundation for Election Systems. Suggestions, please contact WebMaster (Roger H. Plath)

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