On Wed, Aug 02, 2017 at 03:03:52PM -0700, Rick Moen wrote:
> Quoting Bill Kendrick (n...@sonic.net):
> > Ironically, floppies made longer ago seem to last longer.
> > Floppies (mostly 3.5") seem to have been made more cheaply / lest robust.
> Part of it is:  Greater data density was achieved through use of finer
> magnetic particles.  Those inherently are more likely to demagnetise
> neighbouring particles over time, the price of higher density.  E.g.,
> you will probably find that your 720 kB 3.5" floppies, if you have any,
> have lasted better than the 1.44 MB ones.

Ah yes, fair point.  I guess the way I heard it was: "my older 3.5" floppies
were much readable than my newer 3.5" floppies".  Perhaps their older ones
were lower density?  Or maybe it's both.  Things tend to get produced
increasily cheaply/crappily over time. :)

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