Our esteemed list owner has suggested that I introduce myself, and
comment on my interest in VRML-Lit.

My particular interest is in the VR, social and game-related aspects
of VRML-Lit.  I'm the list owner for the MUD-Dev list, which shares
many topics with this list, especially with topics such as the use of
VRML as a presentation layer, storytelling/nonlinear narratives and
the automation and computation of such (cf Doug Crawford's
Erasmatron).  It was the posts on this latter area which initially
attracted me to the list.


Not knowing that VRML-Lit was archived at Mail Archives (a machine
which is about 20 feet from my desk at VA of all things) I started an
archive for the list here at Kanga.Nu, with the intention of having
the MUD-Dev and VRML-Lit archives support each other in their common


The current VRML-Lit archive does not contain traffic from recent
weeks, and the root page for the list is missing (still working on
some automation aspects), but you should be able to get a feel for how
it works.  The VRML-Lit archives at Kanga.Nu have gained a bit of
attention with over 500 web hits in this month alone, almost certainly
generated by mentions on MUD-Dev..

However, the VRML-Lit list owner has suggested that the continued
existance of this archive needs to be blessed by the membership.  I
would like to continue archiving the list -- there really is a lot of
mutual interest between the two lists.  May I?

  Note: I munge all email addresses in the archives, be they in header
fields, signatures or message bodies to impede harvesting by spammers
without preventing humans from reading them.  

J C Lawrence                              Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
----------(*)                            Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
...Honorary Member of Clan McFud -- Teamer's Avenging Monolith...

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