...and even more strage stuff:
When halting a vserver using halt -f or rebooting it using reboot -f,
this gets written to the host's kern.log multiple times:
Apr 12 07:21:11 elvis kernel: grsec: signal 11 sent to (vps:16712)
UID(0) EUID(0), parent (vserver:21259) UID(0) EUID(0)
Apr 12 07:21:11
There's one more issue:
after rebooting a vserver running sarge, tcpserver (qmail) eats 100%
cpu. this only happens when rebooting it from inside (using reboot
-f), not when I "vserver foo restart" manually from the host.
strace shows this (looping):
rt_sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, [CHLD], NULL, 8) =
This is on a host with 2.4.25+grsec+vs1.3.8.
Multiple problems with reboot from inside a vserver running debian sarge (testing):
1.- Not a problem of the utils but of my setup:
I have a setup where the vserver tools are inside a chroot, not on the plain host.
This is because I want to keep woody
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Only $3 a dose!
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