I gmane.linux.vserver, skrev Dariush Pietrzak:
> > I'd really like to test this vserver thing out, but currently it clashes
> > with my policy of only installing things through the packages system on 
> > my computers. 
> > Is there someone who builds Debian kernel-packages with the
> > vserverpatch included?
>   I do, but I include also few other patches, so this might be not the
>  perfect solution for you ( also, I start with vanilla and not include most
>  of debian removals ).
>   If you're interested check http://eyck.forumakad.pl/Projects/bsd/,
>  and maybe deb http://eyck.forumakad.pl/woody/kernel/ ./

I tried make-kpkg yesterday with the debian-kernel 2.6.9 source and
vserver patch, that actually worked, (in regards to vserver) but failed
getting pcmcia/wireless to work. 

I'd really like to have a couple of vservers at my laptop for testing
software installations :-) Isn't this a common usage of Vservers?

./Jesper Krogh, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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