
I just wanted to point out that there is some serious bug in
util-vserver when built against dietlibc on x86_64. It simply does not
work. Herbert's testme script fails completely. I don't know many
details but Herbert was trying a few things and he basically said

the issue is simple ...
for some reason, util-vserver decides to use the glibc syscall(2)
this work fine with dietlibc unless you have an x86_64 ;)
in which case the syscall() compiles to nothing
imho it's clearly a bug in both
in dietlibc because syscall(2) is not supported
and in the tools, because they insist on using it ...

I am sure he can probably give a lot more details about this problem.
The utils and linux-vserver in their current state are pretty much
unuseable on the x86_64 platform. Maybe not entirely unuseable, but
definitely not securely useable, as building them with glibc is not
secure according to Enrico and Herbert.


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