2nd Hand Values?

2002-07-29 Thread Stewart Woods
Hi all, Searched the archives on this but with no definitive answer so I thought I'd fish.. Does anyone know of a site that lists Australian 2nd hand values for recent machines - G4 onwards? At least a place to start looking? TIA stewart

ColorSync/ICC profiles

2002-07-29 Thread Severin Crisp
I have ben searching in vain for ColorSync/ICC device profiles for my SONY DCR-TRV20E camcorder. Neither Sony nor www.chromix.com give me any joy. Can some kind, knowledegable soul please point me in the right direction. Failing that, how do I create and save a custom profile for myself. TIA

Re: MP3 music servers - ta!

2002-07-29 Thread Greg Hosking
Thanks for all the feedback on this topic everyone! greg > On Friday, July 26, 2002, at 01:08 AM, Scott Palmer wrote: > >> Try Limewire, Acquisition, Phex or Neo. >> >> The new version of acquisition is great. Limewire tends to run really >> slowly. >> >> > > I have been bumbling along with

Re: Macs for Timor

2002-07-29 Thread themenubar
I can't help as I am interstate at the moment, but could I suggest that few people get together where the machines are for a mini meeting / social function / morning or afternoon tea / drinks and every one do them on site together that way it will get done quicker and nobody will need to have to pi

Macs for Timor

2002-07-29 Thread John Currie
G'Day WAMUGGERS Mr Tony Trilling of the Booragoon Lions Club has been in touch regarding some 10 or so Macs that have been donated for despatch to Timor. They need checking out to see that they are functioning and have at least Claris works on so the kids can do word processing. If you can help l


2002-07-29 Thread Michael Anderson

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