Hi Daniel

last time I downloaded one of these "bundles" three of didnt work with the keys and when I went on the forums it turned out many people had problems with the keys...ended up with only 9 of the 12 apps working.

just FYI

also thanks for the info re the RAM



On 28/05/2009, at 8:25 PM, Daniel Kerr wrote:

Hi All

For those interested,..
MacUpdate have another bundle on offer at the moment.
It has 11 Apps in it, including TechTool Pro 5 and Parallels Desktop 4.
The retail on the bundle is around $512.71 and they selling it for
It runs for about 2 weeks.

If you want to have a look or purchase, I have a referral link, so please
feel free to use it :o) (Thanks!)

TechTool Pro is quite a good application to have, for diagnostic and
checking of your machines. So even if you just got it for that one alone,
it's worth the price. TechTool Pro sells for about $80 over here. (And
Parallels itself sells for about $119AUD).

Worth a look,...


Kind Regards
Daniel Kerr

Phone: 0414 795 960
Email: <daniel @ macwizardry . com . au>
Web:   <http://www.macwizardry.com.au>

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