Hi All!

Its been a long time between posts, but we have some new games and specials
in store.  Here are the games:

Big Metal Box - 4 big games from the Feral stable, including Max Payne, Oni,
Black and White and F1 Championship season.  Awesome games in their own
right, brilliant value in a pack.

$89.95, in stock.

Game On! Action Pack - Not 4 games, but 6 in this value pack.  Tomb Raider,
Spyhunter, No One Lives for Ever, Incoming, Freedom Force and Star Trek -
Elite Force.  Great spread of gaming genres, with hours of gameplay!

$79.95, in stock.

Also, we have managed to get hold of some classic, out of print OS 9 games.
Risk II, Myst and the original Unreal Tournament.  These will run in OS X,
via Classic.  Myst was a genre-busting game from the mid 90s, which will
challenge your mind and senses.  Risk II brings back the board game of the
same name, and is quite addictive.  Who could forget Unreal - many hours of
blowing the proverbials out of friends of foes!

$19.95 each, in stock.

As a WAMUG special, Mike has iTrips in stock for the 3rd generation iPods.
This little gadget allows the iPod groover to tune his or her iPod into
their car stereo (or home stereo, if you wish).  Banish tapes and CDs from
the car floor forever!

WAMUG SPECIAL $59, in stock

Come up the freeway, and drop in for a visit!  We have many out-of-print
games, plus the latest Apple hardware and software!

Kind regards

The team at AppleCentre Joondalup!

AppleCentre Joondalup
Shop 10, 7 Delage St

Ph (08) 9301 5333
Fax (08) 9301 5444
