Okay. I understand what you're saying, but this is the 3rd time I've said
this - the flash plugin for my browser IS up to date, as confirmed by a
visit to <http://www.adobe.com/products/flash/about>.

The problem appears to be in the code that Netregistry provides as a

If I can make a suggestion - if you have access to an Apple Macintosh, try
visiting the site using Safari or Firefox. You should then see what I'm


Steven Knowles

On 21/11/06 9:50 AM, "NetRegistry Gerard Milo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Good afternoon,
>  When visiting a Page which utilizes flash, your browser detects if you
> system has the current version (or the right version) so it can display
> the item.
>  If it doesn't it won't display for the user which the user/workstation
> will need to update the records on the system.
>  Ensure that you flash plug in for your browser is up to date.
> Regards,
> NetRegistry


But it's Netregistry code. Using your Instant Website function, I have
simply used your default Flash template, selecting picture and background
from the options provided, and changing the text fields to suit.

Cheers, Steven

On 20/11/06 8:41 AM, "NetRegistry Brett Fenton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hi,
> That code validator validates your html code against W3C html standards. If
> it's failing it'll be
> because your code is not fully compliant. Typically this results in it running
> correctly as you've
> noted in one browser like IE and failing in others.
> Theres a lot of variables that potentially could be causing the issue. You'll
> really need to audit
> your code to track the offending item down.
> Regards,
> NR Support
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Mon Nov 20 09:37:26 2006]:
>> Hi
>> Yes, as mentioned in my initial inquiry, if I visit
>> <http://www.adobe.com/products/flash/about>, a sample Flash file works, and
>> the site tells me that I have the latest version of Flash installed, ie.
>> Three other Macintosh users have told me that the site is broken. One of
>> them says....
>> -------------------
>> The W3C Markup Validation Service might help you.
>> http://validator.w3.org/
>> When I typed in http://www.alpha1.org.au
>> <http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.alpha1.org.au>
>> Failed validation, 22 errors.
>> -------------------
>> The site works if visiting via Internet Explorer on a Windows machine, but
>> not if accessed by Safari or Firefox on a Mac.
>> Any ideas?
>> Cheers
>> Steven Knowles
>> On 20/11/06 8:24 AM, "NetRegistry Gerard Milo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> wrote:
>>> Good afternoon,
>>>  The reason why it ask this is that it can't identify the software
>>> running from the workstation or an up to date version.
>>>  You will need to ensure you have the latest version installed, if you
>>> have further problems please advise.
>>> Regards,
>>> NetRegistry