On 26/2/02 12:05 PM, "Goodall-Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Rod Lavington wrote:
>> Specifically, when they open their first web page, the connection works fine.
>> When they open a
>> new page or go to a different site, we get a 'server cannot be found' error.
>> This then continues for every page.
> According to iinet this is a common problem with Mac and some servers
> (including iinet). I fixed this exact problem by re-entering DNS number
> (I also re-entered other details as sell)... NOT copy and paste the
> information but you have to type in the DNS number and information again
> and delete the old one... I have no idea why this works but after I did
> this on iinet's advise this problem was fixed.. Now if anything similar
> happens to me I do this as a matter of course and am having fairly
> trouble free surfing and mail....
> Best of luck,
> Phil

Hi all,...

I know this one goes back a little, but there might be a fix for it,...and
emphasis on the might. :o)
After talking with others, some of the problems were fixed by doing the

1) Go to the following web address:-

2) Download Apple Open Transport 2.7.6, and mount the image.

3) Do not run the installer, as you just want to grab some extensions. Look
for the folder called Installation Files.
Inside this folder there are two extensions called "Open Transport" and
"Open Transport ASLM Modules".

4) Replace these into your own System Folder/Extensions folder. (Maybe take
out the "newer versions first", and store them somewhere else.)

5) Restart and hold your breath, cross your fingers, which ever works best!!

6) Go onto the internet, and resume surfing the way you remember it should
(OK so 5 and 6 are hopefuls, but worth a shot!!)

This should basically replace version 2.7.9 (2.7.8) with 2.7.6 and hopefully
fix the problem. 
Should I place a disclaimer here? If it doesn't work, or makes things worse
you can't blame me! ;o)
If it does work I would be interested in the feedback! Thanks to all for the
helpful hints!!!

Enjoy your easter,....perhaps the new easter egg could be two iMac G4's
joined together!!! Hmmm...wonder if the easter bunny is on WAMUG? :o)

Kind Regards
Daniel Kerr
Daniel Kerr
Sales Consultant
AppleCentre Joondalup Phone: (08) 9301 5333
Unit 10/ 7 Delage Street Fax: (08) 9301 5444
Joondalup WA 6027 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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