I am told Acrobat 8 for Mac is available from Adobe Australia but on a disk - not available as a download.

At 10:35 AM +0800 31/1/07, Kelly Duffy wrote:
Hi again,

I have finally worked out how to get around it, it turns out the kind
person who told me I needed Acrobat 8 was mistaken and 7 does what I
need it to do.

I'm still a bit unhappy that the trial for 8 is Windows only, but the
immediate problem is solved!

Kind regards,

On 1/31/07, Kelly Duffy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi everyone,

I desperately need to hire/borrow/trial Acrobat 8 for a day (today).

I'm in the middle of a job, well, almost finished, it's an interactive
PDF which I've created in InDesign and the buttons on it need to open
new PDF documents, in a new window, without closing the interactive
PDF down at the same time.

I have CS2 which has Acrobat 7 and I've been told the only way to get
the buttons to work is to use Acrobat 8.  I'll have a few more of
these jobs coming up, so before I upgrade my Acrobat I need to trial
it to see if it works, but the trial of Acrobat 8 on the Adobe site is
for Windows only. I tried downloading it, and it's about 260mb (I'm on
dial-up) and it took me all yesterday to download, only to not work on
the PC we have.

If anyone can help me out please give me a ring (I'll be out trying to
download it somehow on a borrowed broadband connection today). It
would be very much appreciated.

Kind regards,

Kelly Duffy
Second Nature Graphic Design

Illustration, Graphic & Web Design Services
Invitations & cards for personal and corporate functions.

Web Site: http://www.secondnature.net.au/
Telephone: 0405 910 502

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Kelly Duffy
Second Nature Graphic Design

Illustration, Graphic & Web Design Services
Invitations & cards for personal and corporate functions.

Web Site: http://www.secondnature.net.au/
Telephone: 0405 910 502

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