On 25/11/03 7:18 PM, "Keith Feltham" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 On 25/11/03 5:37 PM, "Keith Feltham" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

    The store had little third party stock and display, and a small range
  at that.

  Sounds like Cannington.

 Disappointing, eh :-(  Now with Apple pushing the DJ stuff, there is little
 hope for that store.

....DJ stuff?
maybe I've missed the context and content here as there seemed to be a slew of posts on this I didn't get, but if you mean "DJ" stuff as in Disk Jockey turntablist SL1200 DJ1800" etc type stuff rather than "DJ stuff" as in "David Jones stuff" then full marks for any store owner on picking up on what surely must be the growth music retail industry. Like kids of my era (my self included) buying Fender guitars and Marshall stacks these kids are throwing HUGE money at Techniques and Dennon gear or any other DJ or even DJ like equipment.

As a "weddings parties anything mobile DJ" who has just come back to the front line I've seen so many 18/19/20 year old wannabe's "Turntablist" come in to the industry with $5000, $10,000 even $20,000+ of gear and then disappear the next week/month. (no disrespect to Turntablist but this is exactly like heavy metal guitarists trying to make a brake in the cabaret music business - I've seen that too and it's not pretty)

ph#9380 1855 (ECEL)
ECEL Computer Support Officer, University of Western Australia.
CRICOS Provider No. 00126G

"present day
             present time  "