
From: Greg Manzie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 09 Jul 2002 21:28:57 +0800
To: sonic_echidna <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: largest hard drive for 6200

on 9/7/02 10:05 AM, sonic_echidna at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> Hi all,
> I just don't know where to look...
> Can anyone tell me (or tell me where to find out) the largest size of
> hard drive that I can put in a 6200? 20 gig perhaps??
> I think it's time to turn it into a file server or else just retire
> it.
> Thanks :-)
> Meg

Hello Meg and Everyone,

I am new to all this and didn't think I could help anyone yet. But here

We reluctently retired our old much loved Atari Mega ST4 machine which is
still a very user friendly office workhorse.

To replace it and move into serious graphics, we need a state of the art G4
but can't yet afford one yet.

In order to learn the Mac system and come into the twentieth century if not
the twenty first, we purchaced 3 x 6200/6300 series machines with many
extras and upgraded them with help from long suffering Guru/friends.

We currently run each of them with 64MB Ram, OS 8.6, 1Gig Jaz Drives, plus;

1. PowerPC 603/75MHz, Fujitsu 6 GB inbuilt Hard drive with 6 partitions,
Telstra ADSL Broadband Internet. This is our communication machine (hoping
to keep all other machines isolated for security).

2. PowerPC 603e/120MHz, IC35LO2OAVERO7-O 20 GB inbuilt Hard drive with 6
partitions. This is our word processor and office data base.

Someone told us that we needed to partition the hard drive for the older Mac
to recognise it, but this is not the case with OS 8.6.

The machines are, as you would expect, very slow by today's standards. But
having them side by side means you can work on one while the other is
thinking. (not quite dual processing, but we can dream)

The Jaz drives and hard drives give no trouble whatsoever.

We did blow the fuse in one power supply but this was on the third machine
with factory fitted 500 MB internal drive. (probably an unrelated problem)

Greg Gregory at MacWare International in Lesmurdie WA (08) 9291 0600 and
Robert Zatta at Xpress PowerMac Solutions (07) 5593 1912 have both been very
helpful. If you would like further details you can contact us on (08) 9383

I read the WAMUG Emails every day and must say that I appreciate both the
questions and answers very much and learn heaps by doing so.


Greg Manzie
Glyde Gallery Conservation
(Art and photographic restorers)

PS Telstra's Broadband ADSL is a very good service and they have staff who
understand and love Macs.