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Subject: Bug in Mac OS X 10.7.3 exposes passwords in plain text
Date: 7 May 2012 10:54:03 PM AWST

 Security researcher David Emery (via ZDNET) claimed to have discovered a bug 
in Mac OS X 10.7.3 that stores login passwords in plain text. In a recent 
newsletter, he claimed someone—we are guessing an Apple programmer— mistakenly 
“turned on a debug switch (DEBUGLOG)” that stores the passwords in a 
system-wide debug log file. Emery explained folders encrypted with Apple’s 
“legacy” Filevault prior to upgrading to Lion are at risk:

…anyone who can read files accessible to group admin can discover the login 
passwords of any users of legacy (pre LION) Filevault home directories who have 
logged in since the upgrade to 10.7.3 in early February 2012… This is worse 
than it seems, since the log in question can also be read by booting the 
machine into firewire disk mode and reading it by opening the drive as a disk 
or by booting the new-with-LION recovery partition and using the available 
superuser shell to mount the main file system partition and read the file. This 
would allow someone to break into encrypted partitions on machines they did not 
have any idea of any login passwords for.

It would also allow them to access any content those usernames and passwords 
are meant to protect. Fortunately, the file with stored passwords is only kept 
for “several weeks” by default. However, it extends to Time Machine backups, 
because the log file is also backed-up in plain text. Emery said the best 
method to protect yourself until Apple fixes the issue is to simply use 
FileVault 2:

One can partially protect oneself against the firewire disk and recovery 
partition attacks by using Filevault 2 (whole disk encryption) which then 
requires one know at least one user login password before one can access files 
on the main partition of the disk… And one can provide further weaker 
protection by setting a firmware password which must be supplied before one can 
boot the recovery partition, external media, or enter firewire disk mode –  
though there is a standard technique for turning that off known to Apple field 
support (“genius bar”) persons.

We expect Apple will get around to fixing this bug quickly as it picks up more 
press, but as ZDNET pointed out, the bug wasraised in the Apple Support 
Communities three months ago with no replies. We will keep you updated when 
Apple responds.

Related articles

Passware: Filevault can be brute force cracked during the span of a lunchbreak 


Read more…

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