Just for something different,…. with all the spam come through lately, you 
gotta love the "from" address on this one,….
(I took out part of the server address and click link just for "safety")

If the email didn't warn you, then you'd hope the from address would,…hehe :)

Kind regards

Sent from my iPhone 4s

Daniel Kerr

Phone: 0414 795 960
Email: <daniel AT macwizardry.com.au>
Web:   <http://www.macwizardry.com.au>

**For everything Apple**

Begin forwarded message:

> From: a.dumbass.spammer@jokeitem.<part_removed>.net
> Subject: Account Access Limited
> Date: 28 November 2012 6:52:07 AM AWST
> Reply-To: <supp...@sin.it>
> Dear Western Union client,
> Most of our customers have been complaining about their online accounts being 
> used by third parties. In order to avoid unauthorized account usage and to 
> increase fraud prevention, we developed a more secure database where our 
> customer's profile information will be stored.
> All our clients are required to confirm their online accounts by accessing 
> our online form on the following link:
> <Click line removed>
> Please note that this security update is only intended for our members 
> protection.
> Thank you,
> Joshua D. Roming,
> IT Executive,
> Western Union Australia.

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