Hi Rod

I am getting the following bounce back from your email address twice now.

        From:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        Subject:        WARNING. Mail Delayed: Re: PC MYOB networking help!

See below for my response.

Cheers,  Alex

Begin forwarded message:

Date: 14 December 2006 11:51:41 PM
To: Rod Lavington <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: PC MYOB networking help!

Hi Rod

sorry for the delay in getting back to you.

The following is some feed back to a new solution which I have not had any firsthand experience with.

"Netleverage is offering a software only solution for small networks - requires a Windows PC running XP with 1GB RAM. They talked me through setting it up on my home network (1 laptop, 1PC and 1 G4 Mac) - took about 1 hour woe-to-go and I have my client's file working on all three machines (including the "server" ) and even without the 1GB of Ram, and using a wireless network, I am able to change item codes on existing items instantaneously where it took at least 30sec for each one on the client's network the other day. They will allow 30 days free trial - the base price (around $1500) will allow 3 concurrent users and you can purchase additional users. "

This was from someone in NSW I think. There is a website www.netleverage.com.au. If you want more info from the user, I can chase it up for you. There is also MS Terminal Services but that is quite pricey I believe?

Call me if you wish to discuss anything. What version do you actually have at the moment?

Cheers,  Alex

On 13/12/2006, at 2:08 PM, Rod Lavington wrote:

Hi All!

Sorry for the PC question, but thanks to MYOB not selling the network
version of AccountEdge in Australia, we are stuck using Parallels to running
MYOB Premier.

The multi user performance is woeful! (Even when we were using real PCs) As soon as the second person connects to the datafile, the second user access runs like a dog. We have tried leaving the data file on a separate PC, then accessing the file with different computers - worse. The file is set at
multi user, and all machines are set at TCP access.

Other than upgrading to a Windows Server and MYOB Enterprise ($$$ for only 2 machine access), anyone have some ideas on how to improve the performance? All googling seems to do is show me how wonderful the US AccountEdge is!



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Alex Novakovic - Best Computer Accounting
MYOB Certified Consultant
Mobile: 041 990 2440
Phone: 9305 6310

"Time is a created thing. To say 'I don't have time,' is like saying, 'I don't want to.'" Lao-Tzu