
If anyone's got the updaters on CD perhaps they could organise to get a copy to Tony?


Date: Sun, 11 May 2003 08:00:49 +0800
Subject: Re: Sleep & G4 PowerBook
From: Tony Cockbain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Shay Telfer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


My understanding is that these upgrades are free from Apple-if you can
download them. To get from 10.2.3 to 10.2.6 will take many hiours over my
old-fashioned phone line. I recall that some kind-hearted WAMUGer at one
time put some of these downloads on a CD for WAMUG members for a modest
charge. Could you direct me to that person so that I can see if he/she has
any such CD available.

Cheers Tony

On 9/5/03 2:56 PM, "Shay Telfer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

My G4 PowerBook running OS 10.2.3 behaves erratically from time to time when
put to sleep.

When I close the PowerBook the 'sleep' light on the lid latch does not light
up: on opening the PowerBook the screen is blank (black) and regardless of
which keys I hit it does not wake up. I have to do a force quite to restart
the computer.

This doesn't happen every time I put it to sleep, but only occasionally and
not according to any particular pattern.

Any suggestions?

You could try ugrading to 10.2.6

It sounds like your machine is kernel panicking after it's turned off
the screen but before it completes the sleeping procedure.
Alternatively remove any external USB devices.

Good luck,

Tony Cockbain
Australian Journal of Earth Sciences
PO Box 8114 Angelo Street
South Perth WA 6151
Tel & Fax 08 9367 7037

"Truth emerges more readily from error than from confusion" [Francis Bacon]
"The Great Tragedy of Science - the slaying of a beautiful hypothesis by
an ugly fact" [Thomas Huxley]

=========================== Shay Telfer ================================
Perth, Western Australia Technomancer Join Team Sungroper, race the
Opinions for hire [POQ] 2003 World Solar Challenge
[EMAIL PROTECTED] fnord <http://sungroper.asn.au/>