Since we've been discussing TechTool Pro, can someone advise about this issue I have.

I have set up TTP to warn me when my free disk space goes down to 15%. See below.

However, I am getting this message when I have 253GB of 1000Gb free - 25%. This is an SSD drive.

Are there some cache files which are taking up the other 100Gb? How do I clear these?

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject:        TechTool Pro Failure Alert
Date:   Wed, 01 Mar 2017 16:47:21 +0800

TechTool Pro Failure Alert

The machine can be located by the following information:

Date & Time: 1/3/17, 4:47 pm

User Name: rphillip

Computer Name: macbook-pro.local

Computer Address(es): , fe80::a4fb:91ff:fece:89f1%awdl0

Mac OS X: Version 10.12.3 (Build 16D32)


        The volume "Macintosh HD" has 15% free space remaining. The Volume 
Usage threshold is configured in the TechTool Protection Mac OS X System Preferences pane.

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