Thanks Ronni.
My friend is a happy chappy.

Begin forwarded message:

Date: 12 September 2010 5:33:56 PM AWST
To: Rod Blitvich <>
Subject: Re:

Hey blitto

Thanks for those suggestions  – the first one that had the last resort “live chat”
Once I got on it solved my problem in a few minutes of chat and questions – the basic answer to it all is what we suspected (and almost admitted by the the very helpful ”Jamila” on the chat line) that the password resetting links don’t work as they should.
She did it for me at that end and it worked instantly – all fixed!

Cheers for your help mate.


On 11/09/10 8:36 PM, "Rod Blitvich" <> wrote:

Begin forwarded message:

From: Rod Blitvich <>
Date: 11 September 2010 8:10:17 PM AWST
To: John_&_Carla Bormolini <>

Don't know if any of these help Bomma (they are all separate suggestions)

1) Hi Blitto,

I'm away for a 'Mini Break' & Daniel is going to kill me for answering :-(

Because your friend has gone about this in an unusual way, really not the correct manner, he might have to resort to the last solution.

This sometimes works: go to System Preferences>MobileMe; sign out. In place of your username and password, enter any old garbage: this will of course be rejected. Now enter your correct username (without the '') and password. See if this is accepted; if so try mounting your iDisk (command-shift-i).

If it doesn't, go to the MobileMe website, <>  (sometimes that address shows only 'Resource not available', but you can get usually in through ). Click on the Account button (the one with the cogwheels) in the toolbar, log in again with your password, click on Password Settings in the left sidebar, and change your password.

Now return to System Preferences>MobileMe and enter the new password. Check it works by mounting your iDisk (command-shift-i).

Failing all this, you could try signing out in System Preferences, then creating a new user account on your Mac and signing in to MobileMe in System Preferences there. If that works you should sign out (and you can delete the new user account) and you may find that this will have kick-started it, so to speak.

If none of this works, it's time for Support:
In the left sidebar click on 'Account & Billing' and wait for it to expand. Click on 'Member name and password' and you will get a link at the bottom of the page to 'Live Chat'.

Sent from Ronni's iPad


3) Go to (user)/Library/Preferences, delete

Rod Blitvich  - Amy & Sam’s Dad
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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