Thanks for the response to my plea for help in emptying trash.

Somehow or other I managed to do it yesterday, by repeating the various
things that I had tried before, including starting in OS 9.2 and emptying

The thing that confused me about starting up in OS 9.2 was that nothing was
in trash. The problem seemed to come from OpenBase. In the end I ran
Sherlock in OS 9.2, located all references to OpenBase and deleted them.

I have have another layer of confusion. I had previously attempted to delete
OpenBase whilst in OS 10.1.5 by dragging every folder I could find to trash,
as well as any reference to it in the Library folders, yet when I started up
in 0S 9.2 there it was, bold as brass, still located in various folders out
of trash.

Now that I've emptied Trash I'll gird my loins and have yet another crack at
getting my OfficeJet G85 to perform as promised. As I feared, for me Jaguar
has been a dog, not a cat. Rendezvous was not the answer, and getting down
in my CUPS didn't help either.

It's all very well for Apple to take the stance that it's a third party
problem. It seems to me that HP tried to do the right thing and at least
have a go at writing a driver for OS 10. I can understand why it doesn't
want to have to do it again and again and again while Apple has attempt
after attempt at getting its OS X to live up to the hype. Was the premature
release of OS 10 driven by the marketers who wanted to pre-empt Microsoft
XP? When will Apple learn that nothing deters users more than buying an OS
that doesn't work. It's all very well to have a good looking screen, but
that's useless if the user can not print.

There seems to be a parallel with maturity in relationships - learning to
look past the looks and to appreciate the character and personality of the
one lusted after. In my opinion, Apple is still at teenage level of
emotional and relationship maturity.

Back to work in OS 10.1.5 while Jaguar gathers dust on my shelf pending a
driver for my $1400 less than 2 year old OfficeJet.

Michael Hawkins.