Two weeks ago I asked the list for help tracking down the reason for multiple, apparently random e-mail bounces. My ISP, iiNet, was suspected, and later the Mail app. There were several helpful suggestions - thanks.

However, the bouncing is continuing, and now it appears my husband is experiencing something similar: he uses Mail with Tiger, which is set to remove downloaded e-mails from the server, and iiNet as an ISP but gets his mail from a different server - Murdoch University. Using the hint from Peter Hinchliffe about Get Info on the shortcuts menu, he discovered a collection of e-mails still on the server that had never been delivered to his desktop. They were spread over a span from early Feb. to the present. We both receive lots of e-mails, so didn't notice any shortage.

I have spoken to iiNet support - they tried sending e-mails to me and found no problem, which emphasises the random nature of the occurrences.

Any thoughts or insights into what is happening will be most gratefully received.
