Hello  WAMUGgers,

Last Thursday, 5th March little ticks were added or removed from little boxes 
in the software that runs our mailing list. (Are some of you remembering the 
Pete Seeger’s hit of the 60’s)

Most people who receive the list would be blissfully unaware that anything had 

However, if you post to the list and receive an automated message something 
like -    Your mail …  is being held until the list moderator can review it for 
approval     it usually means you are not a financial member.  

Although financial membership runs for the calendar year from 1 January to 31 
December we accept membership throughout the year. Information is available on 
our website under the tab Join. 

I am sure those of you who have paid their membership will agree that $30.00 is 
very cheap for the advice and help that is given.

Again, thank you to all members who contribute to make this organisation a 



-- The WA Macintosh User Group Mailing List --
Archives - <http://www.wamug.org.au/mailinglist/archives.shtml>
Guidelines - <http://www.wamug.org.au/mailinglist/guidelines.shtml>
Settings & Unsubscribe - <http://lists.wamug.org.au/listinfo/wamug.org.au-wamug>