
Seems Onno pointed me in the right direction earlier :)

I now have my first MySql database setup with one table (CD Library), two
fields (cdartist_ID and cdtitle_ID) and three records (Alex Lloyd, Augie
March, Amos - Tori).

Given that this is my first time with PHP/Apache/MySql, I'm attempting what
I hope's the relatively simple task of a catalogue of my CDs which I can put
up on my site.


The database seems to be working swimmingly, there's just the three records
at the moment, and I'm presently trying to get Dreamweaver to connect to the
database. On filling out all the details in Dreamweaver I've been getting
the message "There is no testing server running on the server machine".

There's currently no password set for the root user, although I've managed
to set up a separate secure user with privileges limited to Select, Update,
Insert and Delete.

Just hoping someone can point me in the direction of where I should be
looking for problems?



(For reference, I'm now working through the second half of the Macworld
tutorial which can be found in the December 2002 issue pg 66-68. Part one,
which covers the setup of Apache, MySql and PHP is in the November 2002
issue pg 60-65)