Entourage (any version) won't play nice with Exchange Server 5.5, which many IT departments still use. You can't set up an Exchange account via the 'Exchange' profile, but you can set up an account via SMTP. It's a little ugly, and doesn't have any of the calendar functionality of Outlook 2001 though.

Interestingly, Apple's Mail app does support Exchange 5.5 Servers for well, mail (no calendar stuff).

Personally, I use a combo of Mail.app for E-mail, and run Outlook 2001 for Calendaring functionality - at least until my IT department installs Exchange 2003. :)


on 7/8/05 11:48 PM, Martin Hill at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I'm also surprised you still need to run the old Outlook 2001 under Classic. We run Entourage 11.1.0 (part of Microsoft Office 10.4) at Curtin which supports Exchange's Global Address book (via LDAP) for address look-up within the "To:" field as well as shared calendars etc. It doesn't have all
the capabilities of Outlook 2003 on the PC, but it's a pretty good
replacement for the old Outlook 2001 on the Mac.