Hello all

The last couple of days the dock has started to play up.  It will suddenly
disappear and then reappear (like it is quitting and starting itself up
again).  After it has done this quite a few times, it will disappear and not
come back.

I donĀ¹t have auto show/hide on.

I just upgraded to Panther and it is still happening. I searched the
archives and saw another reference to a similar problem.  It suggested
removing the file:


from the preference list.  I tried this but the problem persists.

There appears to be another dock preference:


in the preferences folder.

I just noticed, when I undertook a search, that there is now a file called:


that has been modified today.  I suppose this is because the dock is
crashing :)

Thanks in advance for any help.


Adam Lippiatt