Hi all,

I hope you will forgive me a slightly off-topic post, but I thought fellow
WAMUG list readers might find this use of internet advertising interesting,
I certainly did.

Ripple <http://ripple.org> came up with the idea of using internet
advertising as a means of easily raising money for charity.

They say that ALL the money they generate goes to the charities concerned -
they do not (at present) deduct any overheads or charges.

They explain just how it works here <http://ripple.org/how-it-works.html>

Personally, I don't really use a home page but I do use Google quite a lot
so I've just used the Ripple searchbar feature
To add ripple to Firefox as my default search engine (it is just added as an
additional search engine to the others I have installed) and now everytime I
do a google search (as a ripple search) a small advertiser payment goes to

Anyway, I thought it was a great idea and some worthwhile causes - so I hope
you will not consider this post spam as I genuinely felt that many of you
would find it interesting (and computer related).


Neil R. Houghton
Albany, Western Australia
Tel: +61 8 9841 6063
Email: n...@possumology.com

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