Hi folks .. I feel a great need to tell you this !

A few months ago I joined a Mac Users Group in the UK just out of curiosity I 
I won't say which one coz that may not be fair.

WELL - what an "eye opener".
I have been besieged by so many email posts inviting me to meet at pubs for a 
Mac Users drink together,
invitations to go cycling together on weekends, trail walking and god knows 
what else. I honestly began to
wonder where the Mac came into it.

I was reprimanded for not replying to posts using the "correct email format"
I was told to keep my emails short and brief so as not to waste anyones time.


I had to make a new Mail Rule to send all their posts straight to the TRASH !

So thank god for WAMUG - phew I am so glad to be home !
Well I never left really !

Stephen Chape

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