Many thanks to those Mac User Group members (and there were plenty) who completed my university survey on attitudes to genetically-modified food. All up I had 66 responses within a week. This gives me an solid base from which to work on a focus group. Of interest, a national survey in South Africa drew only 700 responses.

For those interested, survey results can be seen at
If there are any women, preferably aged between 25-45 who have families and do the shopping (well, some men shop) who are interested in participating in the next phases - a focus group in three weeks at Scarboro Surf Life Saving Club, could they contact me, please.

Greg Smith
Integrated Marketing Communication
ABN 93 124 141 393

Mobile: 0409 081 583

P.O. Box 739
Scarborough 6922

"If you only use yokes or whites
it's pretty hard to make an omlette."
(Gene Amdahl)