Hi all,

Thought I sent this the other day but maybe no, so sending it now.
Some have been asking about Virex updates and it so happens I have just been in touch with them about the a related issue. What follows is their reply which includes an e-mail address. Hope it helps.
This afternoon Network Associates forwarded us your email regarding Virex 6.1 and updating to Virex 7. PICA Software is the local distributor of Virex in Australia. It is great to hear that you are an avid fan and user of Virex 6.1.

Virex 6.1 is verified for compatibility with OS 9.x. Virex 7 is verified for compatibility with OS X 10.x. If you have upgraded your system to OS X 10.x then you will need to use Virex 7 while under this Operating System. If you are able to restart you computer in OS 9.x then you should have Virex 6.1 installed under this operating system.

Unfortunately there isn't an "upgrade" as such. You will need to purchase Virex 7. Network Associates has recently changed their distribution method for all Virex products. Virex is now available as part of a two-year licence agreement. It is no longer available as a retail product, on CD. This licence agreement enables you to download the version of Virex that is compatible for your current Operating System. It also enables you to download any upgrades that become available as well as the monthly virus definition updates.

This two year Virex licence is available from all Apple resellers and distributors, as well as directly from PICA Software. The current cost of the license is $89.00 which includes GST. Purchase of this licence provides you with a grant number which can then be used to access the applicable updates and upgrades.

If you have any further queries regarding this information and/or Virex please contact us.

Mairian Gildea
Software Support

Bye for now,
