Hi Wamug,

Does anyone know if its possible to use 'Print to PDF' to:
- print an MS Word 2004 document to PDF
- preserve the functionality of internal hyperlinks (that is, hyperlinks that link to Headings within the document)

In my current word document, clicking on a formatted hyperlink navigates to the referenced heading or to a referenced website. After I print to PDF, the hyperlinks to websites work correctly, but the hyperlinks to headings don't.

I'm thinking this approach *should* be supported because one of the developers says so:

In case it matters, the hyperlinks were created by:
- selecting the anchor text
- bringing up the Hyperlink panel (Cmd K)
- selecting the Document tab
- clicking the Locate button
- selecting the heading from the list

Using Word 2004 for Mac (v 11.2)
OS X 10.4.9

Thanks if you can assist.


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