Hello all

Don't know if there are any Flash experts out there but maybe someone can help with basic principles. I have been googling this for weeks, on and off, and have found several forum posts by people with the exact same problem - but none with a solution.

I have had flash mx on my mac for years and had no problems (not true - it's a weird program. But no problems like this).

Unfortunately I use it intermittently so I can't pinpoint what else had changed around the time it went spoggly. It could even have been my panther-tiger upgrade. Anyway, it now crashes either on launch or very soon after - no dialogs or warnings that it is unhappy at all, just 'quit unexpectedly'. The report says EXC_BAD_ACCESS (0x0001) and then sometimes KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE and sometimes KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS but in both cases the thread that crashed is Flash.Carbon. Not sure if these are the most important parts of the report.

Based on my googlings I have tried the following:

trashed all preferences I could find called flash and restarted
started flash while disconnected from my network
trashed a file called missfont.map in flash's application support folder
removed damaged fonts using suitcase and checked for duplicates (fonts are often mentioned as a suspect) I even swapped the app itself with a friend's - my app works fine on his system; his crashes on mine

Mr google and I are left scratching our heads. Any suggestions gratefully received

kind regards

Mirror door G4 1.25
1gb ram

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