Good morning 

I’ve an iPhone 6s that I try to use as a phone from time to time. I know ... 
how strange!!

When I’m holding the phone to my ear, the receiver complains of low volume and 
breaking up. 

When I switch it to speaker and talk directly into the base of the iPhone, the 
receiver can hear me well. 

This seems odd as I thought it would use the same microphone. 

It’s in a plastic case with all the holes uncovered. 

Any ideas welcome, especially ones that can help me justify a new phone ..... 

This microphone quality seems awful compared to my Apple Watch where people can 
hear me clearly with my arms swinging at my waist and even cancelling the wind 
noise riding my bike. They still hear the puffing, but the tech in the watch is 



Sent from Tim's iPhone
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