There are 12 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. Re: Iinet's failure to provide service
From: Murdoch Allen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Message: 1
Date: Tue, 29 Apr 2003 13:25:55 +0800
From: Murdoch Allen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Iinet's failure to provide service

try a dial up connection you have to ring 4 times each time you want to go
online before you get a connection no matter what time of day or night


Frankly I have given up on iinet on being anything other than a lottery as far is dial-up is concerned. The usual routine at the beginning of the day is at least three attempts to connect and once connected, I stay that way even though I might not have any use for email or WWW stuff. I once made such a fuss that I got as far as the CEO's PA and got a "house call" from a very knowledgeable bloke who fixed things for me. That I think was only because I am one of iinet's very early customers.

Had the wrong setting here, the wrong software etc etc. I was not the phone line, not the distance to the "exchange" (whatever that is anyway) not the moisture content of the soil, not the state of the cricket.

And so after some years and four computers later I don't bother anymore, just wear it. Ringing 9214 2222 and pressing this for that and this for "customer service" is another waste. (And getting a "live" bod is only effective before 6.00 am in realistic time ) Even if you do, they give out the usual guff about phones. They have no idea and live firmly in PC land. "oh, you have a MACINTOSH ( deep breath) " Yes.... I just said that......

Dr Bill Parker
Scientific and Technical writing & editing in energy and resources.
Box 322 Mt Lawley WA 6929
08 9371 6373 0403 583 676