
Welcome to download Islamic E-book, (malay & english) at
<>  more e-books will be
added soon at Files area.....

We are about to launch our official web site in few month, the "eBook
Library" software will be distributed soon. Pls help us to send this
info to your friends that have concern on knowledge & education. After
launching all members able to download 150 ~ 300 eBook for free and can
earn their commission at 5 level (U$10, $8, $7, $6 & $5 dollar), see
details at
<>  (pls join
1st in order to access this message). Our group 1st Gathering and
official web site launching will be held at K. Lumpur after Aidulfitri,
details of venue, date & time will be fix by Islamic-eBook group
members. If you would like to join pls register at our group database at
<>  . Now you may
get download some sample of those eBook at our group Files hyperlink as
shown below's:

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Download eBook here:

List of english eBooks for download;

70 Matters Related To Fasting , By: Syeikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid

A Brief Illustrated Guide To Understanding Islam , By: I. A. Ibrahim

Al-Siyam , By: El-Bahay El-Kholi

Dynamics Of Islamic Jihad , By: Dr. Muhammad Sharif Chaudhry

Essentials Of Ramadan - The Fasting Month , By: Tajuddin B. Shu'aib

Eternity Has Already Begun , By: Harun Yahya

Fundamentals Of Islamic Economic System , By: Dr. Muhammad Sharif

Islam As I Know , R. Natarajan, Winners Of The `Great Essay Contest

Ramadan And Fasting , By: Abu Abdillah Abdelkader Kamel Tayebi Al-Athari

Social And Moral Code Of Islam , By: Dr. Muhammad Sharif Chaudhry

The Amazing Quran , By: Dr. Gary Miller

This Is The Truth , By: Abdullah M. Al-Rehaili

The Wahhabi Myth, By: Haneef James Oliver

The Two Eids And Their Significance , By: Abdul-Majeed Alee Hasan

Timelessness And The Reality Of Fate , By: Harun Yahya

What Is Islam , By: Dr. Muhammad Sharif Chaudhry

Womens Rights In Islam , By: Dr. Muhammad Sharif Chaudhry

Replies to The Most Common Questions Asked by Non-Muslims , by Dr. Zakir
Naik etcÂ…

List of English Grammer & Other eBooks for download:

English Grammar and Verb

English Grammar in Familiar by Samuel Kirkham

The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown

List of malay eBooks for download:

Adab Pergaulan Menurut Al-Quran Dan Al-Sunnah, Oleh Imam Al-Ghazali

Artikel Ilmiah Dr. Asri_V1.0, Oleh: Mohd Asri Bin Zainul Abidin

Bibel, Qur'an Dan Sains Moden , Dr. Maurice Bucaille

Beberapa Rahsia Al-Quran , Oleh: Harun Yahya

Fatwa Qardhawi , Oleh: Dr. Yusuf Al-Qardhawi

Fatwa-Fatwa Kontemporer , Oleh: Dr. Yusuf Al-Qardhawi

Halal Dan Haram Dalam Islam, Oleh: Dr. Yusuf Al-Qardhawi

Inilah Kebenaran , Oleh: Abdullah M. Al-Rehaili

Keabadian Baru Bermula , Oleh: Harun Yahya

Kitab Tauhid , Oleh: Syaikh Muhammad Bin Abdul Wahhab

Konsep Perkahwinan Dalam Islam , Oleh: Yazid Bin Abdul Qadir Jawas

Malapetaka Akhir Zaman Dan Cara Mengatasinya , Oleh: Syaikh Abdullah Bin
Abdurrahman Al-Jibrin

Menelan Air Liur Tidak Membatalkan Puasa , Oleh: Hafiz Firdaus Abdullah

Panduan Ibadah Musafir Penerbangan, Oleh: Hafiz Firdaus Abdullah

Pedoman-Pedoman Bermazhab Dalam Islam, Oleh: Hafiz Firdaus Abdullah

Kaedah Memahami Hadis-Hadis Musykil,

Penjelasan Terhadap Fahaman Anti Hadith , Disusun Oleh Cawangan
Penyelidikan Islam

Relativiti Masa Dan Hakikat Takdir , Oleh: Harun Yahya

Risalah Ramadhan , Oleh: Syaikh Abdullah Bin Jaarullah Bin Ibrahim Al

Sejarah Hidup Muhammad , Oleh: Muhammad Husain Haekal

Terjemahan Al-Quran , Dari Software Al-Qur'an

Apa Yang Perlu Anda Lakukan Dalam Situasi Tertentu , Oleh: Syeikh
Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid

Perkara-Perkara Larangan dalam Islam , Oleh: Syeikh Muhammed Salih

Mencari Rahmat Allah Di Sebalik Perbezaan Pendapat, Oleh: Hafiz Firdaus

All these were only 3% of the 1000's of eBook that will include in the
final project of eBook Library system CD-Rom. The amount of eBooks will
increase from time to time after the project launch and can be update
online or can request for the update version in CD form, insyaallah.

Note: If you do not which to receive all the message posted by members,
pls go to Step 2. Message Delivery and set to edit membership and select
Special Notices, by this setting you only receive important announcment
from Moderator when there is new eBook upload to this group.


Admin / Moderator.

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