"Women took part in the revolution beside men. They felt their freedom
and independence would be guaranteed when the country shifted into an
Islamic Republic. Unfortunately, they did not obtain the freedom
worthy of an Iranian woman." (Shirin Ebadi, Nobel Laureate)


A Look at Women in Iran 30 years after the Islamic Revolution

  February 11, 2009
Posted by Faith in News, Politics.
Tags: civil rights, gender, Iran, Islamic Revolution, women's rights

It has been 30 years since the Islamic Revolution in Iran and Western
media has a slew of various features looking at Iran. The subject of
many of these features is Iranian women and, the common themes in
these stories are that Iranian women have made some progress, but that
more progress has to be made.

There is the usual focus on hijab, with stories pointing out that
hijab is mandatory. The AFP seemed particularly focused on hijab: "The
Islamic republic still struggles to keep women properly covered by
clamping down on defiant dressers in tight coats, with their hair
tumbling out from under flimsy headscarves." To be fair, the AFP
mentions immediately afterward: "But ironically, the ubiquitous
head-to-toe chador, the scarves and long coats that more liberal
Western eyes view as oppressive for women have actually helped them
achieve a greater presence in public life." Vermont Public News also
mentioned this: "But if the law imposing hejab were repealed tomorrow
many Iranian women would continue to dress this way out of habit and
religious conviction. The more universal issues for women in Iran
concern legal rights and economic opportunity." I am happy that the
media finally has a more nuanced view about hijab in Iran and mentions
that there are other issues that are more important to many Iranian

In addition to discussing hijab, the articles I read discuss how the
Islamic laws put in place after the revolution took rights away from
Iranian women. Honestly, I found this really disheartening, because I
did get the feeling that Islam was being once again blamed for leaving
women with fewer rights, instead of patriarchal interpretations of
Qur'an and hadeeth, which form the basis of Islamic law. In the AFP
article, the author writes: "And they still suffer from a whole raft
of inequalities, much stemming from the Islamic legal concept that a
woman is worth only half of what a man is. For example, under
inheritance law, daughters received only half of what their brothers
do." There is no Islamic legal concept which says that a women is only
worth half of what a man is. The author gets her support for this
assertion by citing Qur'anic inheritance laws, which gave daughters
half of what their male siblings received. However, that is not the
same as saying a woman is a half a man. Additionally, there have been
Muslim reformers, including Iranian ones, looking to reform
inheritance rules on the basis that it was applied to a society where
women did not have control over their financial affairs. However,
Islam is once again made to seem monolithic.

The BBC also quotes an Iranian lawyer who believes that women's issues
cannot be dealt with in an Islamic regime:

    Giti Pourfazel, a lawyer and female activist, believes those
liberty-seeking women who supported the Islamic revolution were
unaware of the true nature of a religious state.

    "Some women felt they would stand a better chance of achieving
their demands if they could emancipate themselves from political
entanglements, but it was too late when they realised that a religious
regime, due to its boundaries, could hardly deal with women's issues

    "Women had already hit home some of their demands but lost them
after the revolution, such as the Family Law, which was annulled
immediately after the revolution. The reason was women were rallying
under a religious flag, which had other priorities and ignored female

This quote seems troubling to say the least. It seems to provide
little hope to those women who want a religious regime but also want
their rights; plus, it makes women who supported the revolution seem
like they had no idea what they were doing.

While I cringed at some of the ideas about Islam and women, a bright
spot in the coverage was the mention of Iranian activists, men and
women. Of course, there was mention of Shirin Ebadi, the Nobel
Laureate who has been a staunch supporter of women's rights and human
rights in Iran. There was also mention of former president Mohammad
Khatami, who was elected in part because of a pro-woman agenda. There
was also mention of the rights achievements that Iranian women have
gained during the last 30 years: more Iranian women attend university
now. In fact, they account for 60% of Iranian university students.
Women have served in cabinet positions and in municipal and local
governments. And more women have their own businesses.

Still, women on all ends of the ideological spectrum continue to fight
for more rights and to keep the rights they have. Women were
instrumental in bringing about the Islamic revolution and have been
instrumental in gaining more rights. Shirin Ebadi summed up the
women's rights movement in Iran aptly with this quote:

    Women took part in the revolution beside men. They felt their
freedom and independence would be guaranteed when the country shifted
into an Islamic Republic. Unfortunately, they did not obtain the
freedom worthy of an Iranian woman.

That's what activists like Ebadi fight for: "the freedom worthy of an
Iranian woman" and all women.

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