CounterPunch, Weekend Edition
January 2 - 4, 2009

An Open Letter to President Bush
America Must Stop Shirking Its Responsibility on Gaza


Dear George W. Bush---

Cong. Barney Frank said recently that Barack Obama's declaration that "there is 
only one president at a time" over-estimated the number. He was referring to 
the economic crisis. But where are you on the Gaza crisis where the civilian 
population of Gaza, its civil servants and public facilities are being 
massacred and destroyed respectively by U.S built F-16s and U.S. built 
helicopter gunships.

The deliberate suspension of your power to stop this terrorizing of 1.5 million 
people, mostly refugees, blockaded for months by air, sea and land in their 
tiny slice of land, is in cowardly contrast to the position taken by President 
Dwight Eisenhower in 1956. That year he single handedly stopped the British, 
French and Israeli aircraft attack against Egypt during the Suez Canal dispute.

Fatalities in Gaza are already over 400 and injuries close to 2000 so far as is 
known. Total Palestinian civilian casualties are 400 times greater then the 
casualties incurred by Israelis. But why should anyone be surprised at your 
blanket support for Israel's attack given what you have done to a far greater 
number of civilians in Iraq and now in Afghanistan?

Confirmed visual reports show that Israeli warplanes and warships have 
destroyed or severely damaged police stations, homes, hospitals, pharmacies, 
mosques, fishing boats, and a range of public facilities providing electricity 
and other necessities.

Why should this trouble you at all? It violates international law, including 
the Geneva Conventions and the UN Charter. You too have repeatedly violated 
international law and committed serious constitutional transgressions.

Then there is the matter of the Israeli government blocking imports of critical 
medicines, equipment such as dialysis machines, fuel, food, water, spare parts 
and electricity at varying intensities for almost two years. The depleted UN 
aid mission there has called this illegal blockade a humanitarian crisis 
especially devastating to children, the aged and the infirm. Chronic 
malnutrition among children is rising rapidly. UN rations support eighty 
percent of this impoverished population.

How do these incontrovertible facts affect you? Do you have any empathy or what 
you have called Christian charity?

What would a vastly shrunken Texas turned in an encircled Gulag do up against 
the 4th most powerful military in the world? Would these embattled Texans be 
spending their time chopping wood?

Gideon Levy, the veteran Israeli columnist for Ha'aretz, called the Israeli 
attack a "brutal and violent operation" far beyond what was needed for 
protecting the people in its south. He added: "The diplomatic efforts were just 
in the beginning, and I believe we could have got to a new truce without this send dozens of jets to bomb a total helpless civilian society 
with hundreds of bombs? just today, they were burying five sisters. I mean, 
this is unheard of. This cannot go on like this. And this has nothing to do 
with self-defense or with retaliation even. It went out of proportion, exactly 
like two-and-a-half years ago in Lebanon."

Apparently, thousands of Israelis, including some army reservists, who have 
demonstrated against this destruction of Gaza agree with Mr. Levy. However, 
their courageous stands have not reached the mass media in the U.S. whose own 
reporters cannot even get into Gaza due to Israeli prohibitions on the 
international press.

Your spokespeople are making much ado about the breaking of the six month 
truce. Who is the occupier? Who is the most powerful military force? Who 
controls and blocks the necessities of life? Who has sent raiding missions 
across the border most often? Who has sent artillery shells and missiles at 
close range into populated areas? Who has refused the repeated comprehensive 
peace offerings of the Arab countries issued in 2002 if Israel would agree to 
return to the 1967 borders and agree to the creation of a small independent 
Palestinian state possessing just twenty two percent of the original Palestine?

The "wildly inaccurate rockets", as reporters describe them, coming from Hamas 
and other groups cannot compare with the modern precision armaments and human 
damage generated from the Israeli side.

There are no rockets coming from the West Bank into Israel. Yet the Israeli 
government is still sending raiders into that essentially occupied territory, 
still further entrenching its colonial outposts, still taking water and land 
and increasing the checkpoints This is going on despite a most amenable West 
Bank leader, Mahmoud Abbas, whom you have met with at the White House and 
praised repeatedly. Is it all vague words and no real initiatives with you and 
your emissary Condoleezza Rice?

Peace was possible, but you provided no leadership, preferring instead to 
comply with all wishes and demands by the Israeli government, even resupplying 
it with the still active cluster bombs in south Lebanon during the invasion of 
that country in 2006.

The arguments about who started the latest hostilities go on and on with Israel 
always blaming the Palestinians to justify all kinds of violence and harsh 
treatment against innocent civilians.

>From the Palestinian standpoint, you would do well to remember the origins of 
>this conflict which was the dispossession of their lands. To afford you some 
>empathy, recall the oft-quoted comment by the founder of Israel, David 
>Ben-Gurion, who told the Zionist leader, Nahum Goldmann:

"There has been anti-Semitism the Nazis Hitler Auschwitz but was that their 
[the Palestinians] fault? They only see one thing: We have come here and stolen 
their country. Why should they accept that?"

Alfred North Whitehead once said: "Duty arises out of the power to alter the 
course of events." By that standard, you have shirked mightily your duty over 
the past eight years to bring peace to both Palestinians and Israelis and more 
security to a good part of the world.

The least you can do in your remaining days at the White House is adopt a 
modest profile in courage, and vigorously demand and secure a ceasefire and a 
solidly based truce. Then your successor, President-elect Obama can inherit 
something more than the usual self-censoring Washington puppet show that 
eschews a proper focus on the national interests of the United States.***

Saut Situmorang

-During times of universal deceit, 
telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act 
(George Orwell)


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