Semua sebetulnya berpokok pangkal pada definisi AURAT.
Dulu definisi "aurat" itu adalah kemaluan, kalau
perempuan ditambah payudara. Tetapi dalam beberapa
tahun terakhir, seiring dengan naik daunnya ICMI, MUI
dan FKS, "aurat" itu diperluas pengertiannya sampai
mencakup kulit leher, kulit lengan dan tangan, lutut
dan betis, sehingga semua perlu ditutupi supaya jangan
merangsang syahwat lawan jenis. Bahkan rambutpun
disamakan dengan jembut yang juga harus disembunyikan
dari pandangan umum.

Definisi "aurat" ini lebih keras lagi di Kedah dan
Kelantan Malaysia dimana "suara perempuan" itu juga
diketegorikan sebagai AURAT karena juga bisa
mengundang berahi. Itu sebab perempuan dilarang "buka
mulut" di depan umum di sana, apalagi nyanyi di
panggung kendurian, apalagi pakai goyang dangdut
segala. Jadi kalau berjenis kelamin perempuan jangan
harap bisa meniti karier sebagai presenter
radio/televisipun disana. Ini berlaku di Arab Saudi
dan di Afganistan Taliban. Bahkan di Afganistan
Taliban, bunyi sepatu yang berdetak-detak pun
dipandang sebagai AURAT juga, yang pemakainya akan
dicambuk di tempat oleh polisi mutawa'in. Sebab konon
katanya ada ayat atau hadis sahih yang mengatakan: hai
perempuan, dilarang keras kamu menghentak-hentakkan
kakimu karena dapat membangkitkan syahwat orang yang
mendengarnya (bagaimana bunyi ayat/hadis yang
sesungguhnya saya lupa, tetapi ADA). Sekian saja
sebagai tambahan renungan koalisi perempuan Indonesia.

--- Una Koalisi Perempuan

> ".....However, women are prohibited from singing in
> public,
> except to a segregated female-only audience.
> Hard-liners were afraid the voice of a woman soloist
> might arouse impure thoughts in men. Women are
> allowed
> to sing as part of a chorus....."
> kalau baca atau dengar Hal2 seperti di atas, saya
> suka kepikir, kenapa ya? Hukum yang dibuat bukan:
> *Laki2 "dilarang" melihat Hal2 yang bisa
> membangkitkan nafsu birahinya - sehingga
> memungkinkannya melakukan tindak pidana, seperti:
> memperkosa misalnya..... hehe ,
> bukan yang kepikir selalu:
> **Perempuan "harus" menutup auratnya, atau harus
> berbusana muslimah, atau harus berjilbab..... ??
> mungkin salah satunya karena Laki2 masih jadi jumlah
> terbesar sebagai pembuat Hukum.....
> dan Budaya harus dirubah.....
> juga penafsiran Agama.....
> kalau membaca Hal2 positif Presiden Iran yang
> diceritakan Teman2, saya memikirkan bagaimana ya?
> supaya Presiden Iran ini bisa menghargai Perempuan
> dengan menempatkan Perempuan setara dengan
> Laki2..... sehingga tidak selalu menjadi Obyek dalam
> pembuatan Hukum,
> Harapan yang sama untuk pembuat Hukum di
> Indonesia.....
> semoga perjuangan Hak2 Perempuan untuk setara
> dengan Laki2 akan terus dilakukan..... sampai Dunia
> ini menjadi lebih baik untuk Perempuan, amin.
> Una, R. Husna Mulya
> Sato Sakaki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Presiden geblek ini mengikuti jejak Taliban.
> ------
> Iran's President Bans All Western Music
> By NASSER KARIMI, Associated Press Writer 13 minutes
> ago
> TEHRAN, Iran - Hard-line President Mahmoud
> Ahmadinejad
> has banned all Western music from Iran's state radio
> and TV stations — an eerie reminder of the 1979
> Islamic revolution when popular music was outlawed
> as
> "un-Islamic" under Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini.
> Today, though, the sounds of hip-hop can be heard
> blaring from car radios in Tehran's streets, and
> Eric
> Clapton's "Rush" and the Eagles' "Hotel California"
> regularly accompany Iranian broadcasts.
> No more — the official IRAN Persian daily reported
> Monday that Ahmadinejad, as head of the Supreme
> Cultural Revolutionary Council, ordered the
> enactment
> of an October ruling by the council to ban all
> Western
> music, including classical music, on state broadcast
> outlets.
> "Blocking indecent and Western music from the
> Islamic
> Republic of Iran Broadcasting is required,"
> according
> to a statement on the council's official Web site.
> The Iranian guitarist Babak Riahipour lamented what
> he
> called a "terrible" decision. "The decision shows a
> lack of knowledge and experience," he said.
> Music was outlawed by Khomeini soon after the 1979
> revolution; Khomeini claimed it was "intoxicating."
> Many musicians went abroad and built an Iranian
> music
> industry in Los Angeles.
> But as revolutionary fervor started to fade, some
> light classical music was allowed on Iranian radio
> and
> television; some public concerts reappeared in the
> late 1980s.
> But later, Khomeini allowed classical music to be
> played over state radio. Since his death, pop music
> has been creeping into Iranian shops.
> In the 1990s, particularly during the presidency of
> reformist
> Mohammad Khatami starting in 1997, authorities began
> relaxing restrictions further. These days in Iran,
> Western music, films and clothing are widely
> available
> in Iran. Bootleg videos and DVDs of films banned by
> the state are widely available on the black market.
> However, women are prohibited from singing in
> public,
> except to a segregated female-only audience.
> Hard-liners were afraid the voice of a woman soloist
> might arouse impure thoughts in men. Women are
> allowed
> to sing as part of a chorus.
> Ahmadinejad's order means the state broadcasting
> authority must execute the decree and prepare a
> report
> on its implementation within six months, according
> to
> the IRAN Persian daily.
> Earlier this month, Ali Rahbari, conductor of
> Tehran's
> symphony orchestra, resigned and left Iran to
> protest
> the treatment of the music industry in Iran.
> Before leaving, he played Beethoven's Ninth Symphony
> to packed Tehran theater houses over several nights
> last month — its first performance in Tehran since
> the
> 1979 revolution. The performances angered many
> conservatives and prompted newspaper columns
> accusing
> Rahbari of promoting Western values.
> The ban applies to state-run radio and TV. But
> Iranians with satellite dishes can get broadcasts
> originating outside the country.
> Ahmadinejad won office in August on a platform of
> reverting to ultraconservative principles, following
> eight years of reformist-led rule under Khatami.
> During his presidential campaign, Ahmadinejad also
> promised to confront what he called the Western
> cultural invasion of Iran and promote Islamic
> values.
> Since then, Ahmadinejad has jettisoned Iran's
> moderation in foreign policy and pursued a purge in
> the government, replacing pragmatic veterans with
> former military commanders and inexperienced
> religious
> hard-liners.
> He also has issued stinging criticisms of
> Israel, calling for the Jewish state to be "wiped
> off
> the map" and describing the Nazi Holocaust as a
> "myth."
> International concerns are high over Iran's nuclear
> program, with the United States accusing Tehran of
> pursuing an atomic weapons program. Iran denies the
> claims.
> The latest media ban also includes censorship of
> content of films.
> "Supervision of content from films, TV series and
> their voice-overs is emphasized in order to support
> spiritual cinema and to eliminate triteness and
> violence," the council said in a statement on its
> Web
> site.
> The council has also issued a ban on foreign movies
> that promote "arrogant powers," an apparent
> reference
> to the United States.
> The prohibitions mirror those imposed in neighboring
> Afghanistan during the Taliban regime, which imposed
> a
> strict version of Islamic law, including a ban on
> music and film. The Taliban was ousted by a U.S.-led
> coalition in late 2001.

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