November 24, 2009 
Jakarta Globe & Agencies

People's Anti-Corruption Movement activists in Solo demanded a thorough 
investigation into the Bank Century scandal. (Photo: Ali Lutfi, JG)

Across Indonesia, Thousands Protest Corruption Cases
Hundreds of protesters took to the streets of Indonesia on Tuesday, a day after 
President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono's vague and confusing speech that left many 
baffled as to his stance on the ongoing battle pitting the Corruption 
Eradication Commission against the National Police and Attorney General's 

There were also calls for Yudhoyono, Vice President Boediono and Finance 
Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati to resign after the Supreme Audit Agency's (BPK) 
long-awaited report into the PT Bank Century bailout scandal, released on 
Monday, showed indications of massive financial irregularities. 

Though some commentators took Yudhoyono's less-than-decisive speech as a clear 
signal to the police and AGO to end what is perceived to be their attempt to 
weaken the antigraft commission, known as the KPK, protesters in at least seven 
major cities believed Yudhoyono's stance was an indication of his involvement 
in the scandals. 

Students of Hassanudin University in Makassar burned pictures of Yudhoyono and 
Boediono, a serious crime in Indonesia, and demanded they step down. 

"SBY and Boediono should step down from their positions because they're no 
longer professional and there's suspicion that they're involved in the Bank 
Century case," said protester Ashari. 

Yudhoyono has strenuously denied allegations that money from the bailout made 
its way into his re-election campaign finances. 

There were at least three major demonstrations in Jakarta, outside the National 
Police headquarters, the AGO and the KPK, with many demanding the immediate 
dismissal of Attorney General Hendarman Supandji and National Police Chief Gen. 
Bambang Hendarso Danuri. 

Outside the KPK, around 100 demonstrators from a range of organizations sported 
black armbands in support of the respected antigraft agency and demanded 
Yudhoyono suspend Boediono and Sri Mulyani until an investigation of the two 
scandals, which are perceived to be linked, was resolved. 

In Bogor, students burned tires and blocked the road in front of Ibnu Khaldun 
University, creating a traffic jam five-kilometers long, to call on Yudhoyono 
to hand over the Bank Century investigation to the KPK. 

"The president should give the Century case to the KPK, instead of the police 
and the attorney general," said protest coordinator Ahmad Fakhrudin Isfron. He 
also demanded Yudhoyono suspend all officials implicated in the scandals and 
reform the police and AGO. 

Dozens of activists from the People's Anti-Corruption Movement gathered at the 
Gladak traffic circle in Solo to ask Yudhoyono to allow the investigation of 
Boediono and Sri Mulyani, both of whom played key roles in approving the 
controversial Rp 6.7 trillion ($710 million) bailout of Bank Century. 

Antigraft activists said Yudhoyono had abrogated his duty and his election 
promise to fight corruption. His failure to take strong action was at best a 
sign of impotency and at worst of collusion, they added. 

"All the promises about fighting corruption were just jargon to fish for votes 
to win the election," said Indonesia Corruption Watch activist Illian Deta Arta 
Sari. "He has failed in carrying out his duties as president."

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