Refleksi : Jauh benar dari Timur Tengah ke Australia. Apakah  tidak lebih baik 
ke negeri-negeri yang letak geografishnya dekat seperti Arab Saudia, Kuwait 
atau negeri-negeri UAE  lainnya,  kaya, stabil aman, bahasa sama dan lagi adat 
istiadat tidak banyak berbeda.

Thursday, April 16, 2009 
07:09 Mecca time, 04:09 GMT

      Blast on refugee boat off Australia 
                  The boat was intercepted near Ashmore Reef off Australia's 
northwest coast 
      At least three people have been killed and two others are missing after 
an explosion on a boat carrying asylum seekers off Australia's northwestern 

      Police said the boat carrying 49 refugees from Afghanistan was being 
towed to a refugee processing centre on Australia's Christmas Island when the 
explosion occurred.

      The boat had been intercepted on Wednesday by Australian navy patrol 
ships near Ashmore Reef, about 840km from the northern city of Darwin.

      Sergeant Greg Lambert told Reuters news agency that the explosion was 
believed to have occurred in the engine compartment of the vessel.

      He said that as well as at least three people killed, several others had 
been injured in the explosion.

      However, Australia's home affairs ministry said the number of dead and 
injured had yet to be confirmed.

      "Border protection agencies have reported there has been an explosion or 
serious fire on board this vessel," Bob Debus, Australia's home affairs 
minister said in a statement.

      "There are reports from personnel on the scene that this incident has 
resulted in fatalities, serious injuries and that a number of occupants of the 
vessel are missing."

      He said two navy patrol boats were providing assistance following the 

      "The government's first priority is to address the immediate situation 
and to ensure the safety of life at sea."

      Thirteen boats carrying asylum-seekers have been discovered in Australian 
waters since the government of Kevin Rudd, the Australian prime minister, 
introduced policies last July that softened the country's treatment of 

      Refugees landing on Australian soil peaked in 2001 when more than 1,200 
people arrived, mostly from the Middle East.

      Many of these maritime journeys have been organised by professional 
people-smuggling rings.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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