Child bride show attracts viewers, critics
By Mallika Kapur

MUMBAI, India (CNN) -- Dressed in fancy clothes, she applies eye liner, dabs 
her nose with a powder puff and the director shouts, "Silence, rolling!"

Avika Gor, who plays child bride Anandi in the popular but controversial show.

On cue, the star of the show delivers her lines. Meet Anandi, the main 
character of "Balika Vadhu," an Indian television serial. Twelve-year-old 
Anandi is a child bride who was married off at the age of eight. She now lives 
with her husband and in-laws, bound by customs and traditions in their home.

The daily soap is just over a year old and already one of India's most highly 
rated TV shows. An estimated 74 million people watched it in July.

The CEO of Colors, the channel the show airs on, says viewers love it because 
it's based on reality.

Rajesh Kamat said: "There is enough research on child marriage, the evils of 
child marriage. We've based our storyline on that."

Kamat added the concept the show was based on is very much real and most of the 
incidents depicted in the program still happen in parts of India.

Even though the Indian legal age for marriage is 18 for girls and 21 for boys, 
the law is often ignored.

Since it's an illegal act, it's very hard to find a record of how many child 
marriages take place -- but according to UNICEF, 40 percent of all child 
marriages in the world take place in India.

Critics of "Balika Vadhu" say the premise -- that child marriage takes place in 
India -- is the only real aspect of the show.

The driving force behind child marriage is poverty, says Puja Marwaha, of the 
children's charity Child Rights and You. She says child brides are often 
illiterate, malnourished, considered a burden on their parents -- and their 
lives bear no resemblance to the glossy images seen on TV.

According to Marwaha, the serial glorifies child marriage. "To show it as 
harmless, is a problem."

"Poverty is not pretty so the child is not going to be wearing party frocks and 
looking pretty, contented and happy because that's not what really happens. 
What really happens is the child is forced into adult responsibilities too 
early. Whether it's the responsibility of motherhood or whether it's linked to 
abuse, as is the case many times."

That, according to Marwaha, is the reality of child marriage.

The people behind the show say its goal is not to glamorize child marriage -- 
but to highlight its dark side.

Kamat said: "Have we depicted it in a way that is entertaining? Yes. Is the 
evil of child marriage highlighted? Yes. Are the evils associated with it 
highlighted? Absolutely."

In between takes on the set of the show just outside Mumbai, Avika Gor, who 
plays Anandi, does her part to educate the audience.

"I feel very bad about what's happening to Anandi. Child marriage is very, 
very, very, very, very, very, very bad."

Some Indian lawmakers argued the show violated the Indian Constitution and 
demanded the show be banned.

The government looked into it and gave it a clean chit, so the cameras continue 
to roll on the sets, and the show goes on. 

  a.. Story Highlights
  b.. Soap with child bride as central character is one of India's most watched 
TV shows 

  c.. Critics says the show glosses over the brutalities of India's real child 

  d.. Executive defends show, says it does highlight evils of child marriages 

  e.. Child brides problem is widespread in India despite 18 being legal age 
for marriage 

August 24, 2009 -- Updated 2031 GMT (0431 HKT)

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