Refleksi:  Di atas copet dibawah curi, begitulah penyakit Ali Baba sudah 
berakar di sumsum otak. Obatnya walahualam!,20081205-149765,uk.html

Corruptors Still Have Rp 12,2 Billion
Friday, 05 December, 2008 | 13:34 WIB 

TEMPO Interactive, Serang:Around Rp12,2 billion of the State Treasurey has not 
yet been returned from the corruptors in Banten. The money is from 32 
corruption cases handled by Banten provincial attorney general office (AGO) 
during 2008. Meanwhile, Rp921 million has been secured. Banten AGO's special 
criminal actions assistant Yunan Hardjaka said that it is because the legal 
processes have not reached a permanent verdict. The replacement money must be 
paid by the accused. 

Some of the cases that are still under the legal process include the alleged 
bribery case of Rp200 billion in Pandeglang, the interchange case of Rp14 
billion, and the Rp14 billion corruption case involving Banten's Provincial 
Legislative Council (DPRD).

Mabsuti Ibnu Marhas 


Plane Equipment Stolen From Soekarno-Hatta
Friday, 05 December, 2008 | 15:32 WIB 

TEMPO Interactive, Jakarta: Jakarta police informed a theft at Soekarno-Hatta 
Airport Jakarta on Friday. An airplane communication equipment worth Rp 1,5 
billion was stolen from a storage facility on Thursday morning.

The stolen part was an Intertial Rerence Unit kept in the Temporary Storage TBS 
3 of GMF warehouse. A warehouse staff found out that the part was missing on 
Thursday morning as the staff conducted an inspection. 

Police said the thief "probably broke in with faked keys." 


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