Friday, July 31, 2009 
20:06 Mecca time, 17:06 GMT

      Deaths in Iraq mosque bombings  
                  A car bomb exploded near a mosque in the al-Shaab 
neighbourhood in Friday's deadliest attack [REUTERS]

      At least 29 people have been killed and more than 130 others wounded in a 
series of bombings near Shia mosques in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, police have 

      The apparently co-ordinated attacks targeted worshippers leaving Friday 
prayers at five different mosques, officials and witnesses said.

      In the deadliest attack, a car bomb exploded near a Shia mosque in 
Baghdad's northern al-Shaab neighbourhood, killing at least 23 people and 
wounding about 35 others, police said.

      Witnesses said worshippers were praying on the street outside the crowded 
mosque when the vehicle exploded.

      Near-simultaneous explosions went off near a mosque close to the Diyala 
bridge in southern Baghdad shortly afterwards, killing four people and wounding 
17 others.

      'Enemies of Iraq'

      The other blasts struck worshippers in the southeastern neighbourhood of 
Zafaraniyah and the eastern district of Kamaliyah.

      There was no immediate claim of responsibilty for the blasts.

      "Those who carried out these acts targeting the faithful are the enemies 
of Iraq, without principles or values," Reuters quoted Major-General Abboud 
Qanbar, the head of Iraqi forces in Baghdad, as saying.

            In video 
                  Deadly blasts rock Baghdad 

      The attacks came a month after US troops pulled out of Iraq's towns and 

      Violence has dropped markedly throughout the country in recent months, 
but attacks increased in the run-up to the US pullback.

      US commanders have warned that security gains made in the last year are 
fragile and reversible, and they have said attacks may escalate ahead of 
national elections next year.

      More than 430 Iraqis were killed in June alone, which is the highest 
death toll for 11 months.

      Attacks remain especially common in Baghdad.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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